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Expert in internal medicine and population health management, dedicated to enhancing patient care access, quality, efficiency, and coordination while teaching future medical professionals.
Expert in internal medicine and population health management, dedicated to enhancing patient care access, quality, efficiency, and coordination while teaching future medical professionals.
Internal medicine expert specializing in women's health, family planning, and contraceptive management, dedicated to comprehensive patient care and lifelong health support.
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- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Internal medicine expert specializing in women's health, family planning, and contraceptive management, dedicated to comprehensive patient care and lifelong health support.
Award-winning internal medicine specialist committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical training programs and improving the experiences of minority doctors.
- Accepting New Patients
Award-winning internal medicine specialist committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical training programs and improving the experiences of minority doctors.
Experienced nephrologist specializing in autonomic disorders, innovative fecal incontinence treatments, and research on cardiovascular health, hypertension, and genetic factors impacting health outcomes.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Experienced nephrologist specializing in autonomic disorders, innovative fecal incontinence treatments, and research on cardiovascular health, hypertension, and genetic factors impacting health outcomes.
Internal medicine expert dedicated to enhancing care for older hospitalized patients with cardiovascular diseases and acute illnesses, focusing on reducing adverse outcomes during patient transfers and training future leaders in medicine.
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Internal medicine expert dedicated to enhancing care for older hospitalized patients with cardiovascular diseases and acute illnesses, focusing on reducing adverse outcomes during patient transfers and training future leaders in medicine.
Caring medical professional providing stress relief and supportive options for patients with serious illnesses, specializing in hospice and palliative care, with research interests in communication skills and medical education.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Caring medical professional providing stress relief and supportive options for patients with serious illnesses, specializing in hospice and palliative care, with research interests in communication skills and medical education.
Expert in emergency and addiction medicine with a specialization in alcohol and substance use disorders, dedicated to providing comprehensive care from critical resuscitation to long-term treatment connections.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in emergency and addiction medicine with a specialization in alcohol and substance use disorders, dedicated to providing comprehensive care from critical resuscitation to long-term treatment connections.
Expert in treating opioid addiction and alcohol disorders who also specializes in medical education, ultrasound imaging, and supporting healthcare workers.
Expert in treating opioid addiction and alcohol disorders who also specializes in medical education, ultrasound imaging, and supporting healthcare workers.
Expert in internal medicine and pediatrics specializing in addiction and HIV care, with a unique focus on the intersection of medicine and spirituality, wellness, and physician well-being.
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in internal medicine and pediatrics specializing in addiction and HIV care, with a unique focus on the intersection of medicine and spirituality, wellness, and physician well-being.
Primary care and weight management specialist dedicated to educating patients on holistic health improvements for lasting wellness.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Primary care and weight management specialist dedicated to educating patients on holistic health improvements for lasting wellness.