A Study of ZL-1310 in Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study of Tarlatamab Therapy in Subjects With Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer (LS-SCLC) Who Have Not Progressed Following Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy
LUNGMAP: A Master Protocol To Evaluate Biomarker-Driven Therapies And Immunotherapies In Previously-Treated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (Lung-Map Screening Study)
MRI Brain Surveillance Alone Versus MRI Surveillance and Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI): A Randomized Phase III Trial in Small-Cell Lung Cancer (MAVERICK)
Study Comparing Tarlatamab and Durvalumab Versus Durvalumab Alone in First-Line Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer (ES-SCLC) Following Platinum, Etoposide and Durvalumab
RAndomized Phase II/III Trial of Consolidation Radiation + Immunotherapy for ES-SCLC: RAPTOR Trial
Targeted Treatment for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer that has a MET Exon 14 Skipping Gene Change (An Expanded Lung-MAP Treatment Trial)
NAUTIKA1: Multicenter, Phase II, Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Study of Multiple Therapies in Biomarker-Selected Patients With Resectable Stages IB-III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Phase IB/II Trial Of Dose-Deescalated 3-Fraction Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy For Centrally Located Lung Cancer
A Phase 2b, Open-Label, Two-cohort Study of Subcutaneous Amivantamab in Combination With Lazertinib as First-Line Treatment, or Subcutaneous Amivantamab in Combination With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy as Second-line Treatment, for Common EGFR-Mutated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer