Clinical Trials
- Addictive Behavior, Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System, Genetics, Mental Health & Behavioral Research
Imaging Cannabinoid Receptors Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanning
- Ages18 years - 55 years
- GenderMale only
- Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System
PET and MRI in OCD and/or Tic disorders
- Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System
Imaging pancreatic beta-cells with PET neuroimaging agent 11C-PHNO
- Ages18 years - 65 years
- GenderBoth
- Mental Health & Behavioral Research
HPA axis function in the brains of PTSD, Trauma Exposed, or Otherwise Healthy research participants utilizing PET and MRI imaging
- Ages18 years - 55 years
- GenderBoth
- Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System
Imaging the Dopamine Transporter in Parkinson's Disease
- Ages40 years and older
- GenderBoth
- Addictive Behavior
PET Imaging of Microglia with [11C]PBR28 in Opioid Dependent and Healthy Control Subjects
- Ages21 years - 45 years
- GenderBoth
- Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System, Mental Health & Behavioral Research
SV2A PET Imaging in Healthy Subjects and Epilepsy Patients
- Ages18 years - 90 years
- GenderBoth
- Obesity & Weight Management
Imaging cortisol metabolism in liver, adipose tissue and brain with a novel PET radioligand
- Mental Health & Behavioral Research
Psychosis Brain Imaging Study
- Prostate Cancer
PRISM: Patient Experiences with PET Imaging in Prostate Cancer