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Health Disparities


  • 00:00 --> 00:03Support for Yale Cancer Answers comes from
  • 00:03 --> 00:07AstraZeneca, working to change how cancer
  • 00:07 --> 00:09is treated with personalized medicine.
  • 00:09 --> 00:13Learn more at
  • 00:13 --> 00:14Welcome to Yale Cancer
  • 00:14 --> 00:16Answers with your host
  • 00:16 --> 00:17Doctor Anees Chagpar.
  • 00:17 --> 00:19Yale Cancer Answers features the
  • 00:19 --> 00:21latest information on cancer care by
  • 00:21 --> 00:23welcoming oncologists and specialists
  • 00:23 --> 00:25who are on the forefront of the
  • 00:25 --> 00:27battle to fight cancer. This week,
  • 00:27 --> 00:29it's a conversation about health
  • 00:29 --> 00:30disparities in cancer with
  • 00:30 --> 00:32doctor Kim Blenman.
  • 00:32 --> 00:34Dr. Blenman is an associate research
  • 00:34 --> 00:36scientist in medical oncology
  • 00:36 --> 00:38at the Yale School of Medicine
  • 00:38 --> 00:40where Doctor Chagpar is a
  • 00:40 --> 00:42professor of surgical oncology.
  • 00:42 --> 00:45Maybe we can start off by you telling
  • 00:45 --> 00:48us a little bit more about your research
  • 00:48 --> 00:51and what exactly it is that you've been
  • 00:51 --> 00:53doing.
  • 00:53 --> 00:55I'm an immunologist and clinical chemists with expertise in drug
  • 00:55 --> 00:57discovery and clinical development and
  • 00:57 --> 00:59in aspects of pathology as you mentioned
  • 00:59 --> 01:01I am in the Yale Department of
  • 01:01 --> 01:03internal medicine, section of medical
  • 01:03 --> 01:05oncology and Yale Cancer Center.
  • 01:05 --> 01:08Briefly, I study the immune system of
  • 01:08 --> 01:10patients to try to understand how the
  • 01:10 --> 01:13immune system is involved in their disease
  • 01:13 --> 01:15and their responses to therapy treatments.
  • 01:15 --> 01:17I have done research in Melanoma
  • 01:17 --> 01:19and I am currently working in breast
  • 01:19 --> 01:22cancer as part of the breast medical
  • 01:22 --> 01:23oncology translational
  • 01:23 --> 01:25research group.
  • 01:25 --> 01:27Tell us some of the studies that you've been
  • 01:27 --> 01:29doing in breast cancer looking
  • 01:29 --> 01:32at the immune system.
  • 01:32 --> 01:33Our work is primarily conducted
  • 01:33 --> 01:34through clinical trials.
  • 01:34 --> 01:36As I mentioned, our goals are to
  • 01:36 --> 01:38really try to identify components
  • 01:38 --> 01:40or mechanisms of the immune system that
  • 01:40 --> 01:43will either help patients to respond
  • 01:43 --> 01:46or respond better to therapy or help them
  • 01:46 --> 01:48to reduce the therapy.
  • 01:48 --> 01:52The way that we do this is
  • 01:52 --> 01:55that we look at both genes and proteins
  • 01:55 --> 01:58of the immune system and of the tumor
  • 01:58 --> 02:00to accomplish our goals we use
  • 02:00 --> 02:02many platforms,
  • 02:02 --> 02:05research platforms such as next generation
  • 02:05 --> 02:07sequencing to identify genes in RNA and DNA.
  • 02:07 --> 02:10And we also use Histology to
  • 02:10 --> 02:12identify proteins and different
  • 02:12 --> 02:14immune and tumor cell types.
  • 02:14 --> 02:18And with that being said,
  • 02:18 --> 02:20my research is really
  • 02:20 --> 02:22interested in looking at many,
  • 02:22 --> 02:23mostly biological factors.
  • 02:23 --> 02:25As I said,
  • 02:25 --> 02:27they are responsible for the disparities
  • 02:27 --> 02:29that we have in disease and therapy,
  • 02:29 --> 02:32and I am currently working on
  • 02:32 --> 02:33triple negative breast cancer.
  • 02:35 --> 02:36You noted cancer
  • 02:36 --> 02:38accounts for approximately 10
  • 02:38 --> 02:40to 15% of all breast cancers.
  • 02:40 --> 02:41This subtype of breast
  • 02:41 --> 02:43cancer is estrogen receptor
  • 02:43 --> 02:45negative progesterone receptor negative,
  • 02:45 --> 02:49and HER 2 negative in regards to the
  • 02:49 --> 02:51biomarkers that we use to classify the
  • 02:51 --> 02:53type of breast cancer
  • 02:53 --> 02:56in order to appropriately treat the cancer,
  • 02:56 --> 02:57it's often more aggressive,
  • 02:57 --> 03:00meaning that it grows and spreads fast,
  • 03:00 --> 03:02and so it tends to occur
  • 03:02 --> 03:04more often in younger women,
  • 03:04 --> 03:07and those were the BRCA gene mutations,
  • 03:07 --> 03:09so triple negative breast cancers have
  • 03:09 --> 03:11poorer prognosis than other subtypes,
  • 03:11 --> 03:13partially because treatment
  • 03:13 --> 03:14advances have lagged behind
  • 03:14 --> 03:16other breast cancers,
  • 03:16 --> 03:18but although treatment options are more
  • 03:18 --> 03:20limited than the other breast cancers,
  • 03:20 --> 03:22there are still several offices
  • 03:22 --> 03:24available to these patients.
  • 03:24 --> 03:26And these individuals are treated
  • 03:26 --> 03:28with some combinations of surgery,
  • 03:28 --> 03:30radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
  • 03:30 --> 03:32And right now I'm working on two
  • 03:32 --> 03:35clinical studies and one study is
  • 03:35 --> 03:37a retrospective evaluation of genes
  • 03:37 --> 03:38and proteins from Histology tissue.
  • 03:38 --> 03:40From the tumor page,
  • 03:40 --> 03:42two more patients with these triple
  • 03:42 --> 03:44negative breast cancers to try to
  • 03:44 --> 03:47identify immune components or mechanisms
  • 03:47 --> 03:49that may be responsible
  • 03:49 --> 03:52for the variations that we see in
  • 03:52 --> 03:54different racial and ethnic groups
  • 03:54 --> 03:56before the patients are treated.
  • 03:56 --> 03:58And then the other study is an ongoing
  • 03:58 --> 04:00clinical trial that is evaluating
  • 04:00 --> 04:01the benefit of giving our triple
  • 04:01 --> 04:03negative breast cancer patients
  • 04:03 --> 04:05anti PDL one immunotherapy with chemotherapy
  • 04:05 --> 04:08before they're taken to surgery.
  • 04:08 --> 04:12Those both sound like really
  • 04:12 --> 04:15interesting studies and I want to
  • 04:15 --> 04:18talk about each one of them in turn.
  • 04:18 --> 04:21So the first one, the retrospective study
  • 04:21 --> 04:24where you're looking at kind of the immune
  • 04:24 --> 04:26factors in these cancers retrospectively.
  • 04:26 --> 04:28So these are cancers that have already
  • 04:28 --> 04:31been taken out of patients and you're
  • 04:31 --> 04:34looking at immune factors in these cancers.
  • 04:34 --> 04:36Now I understand that triple
  • 04:36 --> 04:38negative cancers perhaps more than
  • 04:38 --> 04:40other breast cancers actually
  • 04:40 --> 04:42are immunogenic, they tend to have a
  • 04:42 --> 04:44lot of infiltrating cells in them,
  • 04:44 --> 04:45is that right?
  • 04:45 --> 04:48Is that what you're looking at?
  • 04:49 --> 04:52or are you looking at other factors as well?
  • 04:52 --> 04:53That's absolutely right.
  • 04:53 --> 04:54And actually
  • 04:54 --> 04:55we're looking at all the
  • 04:55 --> 04:57above and
  • 04:57 --> 05:00actually we're doing as I said,
  • 05:00 --> 05:01looking at different populations
  • 05:01 --> 05:03of people within that particular space,
  • 05:03 --> 05:05and the reason is because the
  • 05:05 --> 05:07percentage of triple negative breast
  • 05:07 --> 05:09cancers among the total breast cancers
  • 05:09 --> 05:11diagnosed in non Hispanic whites.
  • 05:14 --> 05:16Hispanics, American Indians or
  • 05:16 --> 05:19Alaska Natives is between 10 and 20%.
  • 05:19 --> 05:21I'm sorry 10 to 12% and non
  • 05:21 --> 05:23Hispanic Blacks is 21%,
  • 05:23 --> 05:26and so we're trying to understand why that
  • 05:26 --> 05:29difference exists and more of the biology,
  • 05:29 --> 05:32more of the biological questions
  • 05:32 --> 05:34and so we're looking at the immune
  • 05:34 --> 05:37system to see if there are different
  • 05:38 --> 05:41immune players in terms of the amount of
  • 05:41 --> 05:44infiltration that we see between these
  • 05:44 --> 05:45different populations of people
  • 05:45 --> 05:47or the type of inflation.
  • 05:47 --> 05:49What type of cells are being
  • 05:49 --> 05:50infiltrated in these patients?
  • 05:50 --> 05:54And so we're doing that by
  • 05:54 --> 05:56looking at the Histology.
  • 05:56 --> 05:59Taking the samples of the tumor doing
  • 05:59 --> 06:01next generation sequencing on those,
  • 06:01 --> 06:04look at the genes and then looking
  • 06:04 --> 06:07at different types of immune
  • 06:07 --> 06:09cells from the Histology tissue itself,
  • 06:09 --> 06:13as well as just using our standard
  • 06:13 --> 06:16hematoxylin eosin to look at the
  • 06:16 --> 06:19actual global tumor infiltrating lymphocyte
  • 06:19 --> 06:21into these populations
  • 06:21 --> 06:23sorry into these patients samples.
  • 06:23 --> 06:26I want to make sure that I understood
  • 06:26 --> 06:29because I mean it sounds like such a cool
  • 06:29 --> 06:32project with so much there to unpack.
  • 06:32 --> 06:33And maybe you're looking
  • 06:33 --> 06:35at all of these questions.
  • 06:35 --> 06:37But the first thing that it sounds
  • 06:37 --> 06:40like you're doing is really looking at
  • 06:40 --> 06:42these cancers to see whether
  • 06:42 --> 06:44various immune pathways are turned on
  • 06:44 --> 06:47or turned off in the cancer themselves,
  • 06:47 --> 06:50whether the they have more or less
  • 06:50 --> 06:52infiltration with the immune
  • 06:52 --> 06:54system in these cells.
  • 06:54 --> 06:57So do you find that there are biologic
  • 06:57 --> 07:00differences in triple negative breast
  • 07:00 --> 07:02cancer between African Americans,
  • 07:02 --> 07:03and say, Caucasians?
  • 07:03 --> 07:06And do you think that really
  • 07:06 --> 07:08explains why African Americans
  • 07:08 --> 07:12tend to have more triple negative
  • 07:12 --> 07:14breast cancers than other non
  • 07:14 --> 07:16African American races?
  • 07:16 --> 07:18So this is one of
  • 07:18 --> 07:22the things that we actually are
  • 07:22 --> 07:24trying to tease out with this particular
  • 07:24 --> 07:27study and all the data is not back yet.
  • 07:27 --> 07:29And of course there are other factors as
  • 07:29 --> 07:31well that contributes to those differences,
  • 07:31 --> 07:33but as I said,
  • 07:33 --> 07:35we're really trying to
  • 07:35 --> 07:37focus on these differences in the
  • 07:37 --> 07:39system that we have seen initially,
  • 07:39 --> 07:41and as we're putting more patients on
  • 07:41 --> 07:43these studies and look at more things,
  • 07:43 --> 07:46we're trying to see if
  • 07:47 --> 07:50that gives us any reason to
  • 07:50 --> 07:52believe that there are different,
  • 07:52 --> 07:55as I said, immune cell populations
  • 07:55 --> 07:57that are being introduced that
  • 07:57 --> 07:59are different between those two
  • 07:59 --> 08:01groups and as well as other groups.
  • 08:01 --> 08:04But also if there's maybe a difference
  • 08:04 --> 08:06in the amount of those immune
  • 08:06 --> 08:09cells that are being introduced,
  • 08:09 --> 08:11and so we're still
  • 08:11 --> 08:12evaluating the data,
  • 08:12 --> 08:15but hopefully that'll give us some
  • 08:15 --> 08:17insight if that's indeed true.
  • 08:19 --> 08:21Because that would mean that
  • 08:21 --> 08:23we may need to
  • 08:23 --> 08:25think about how we treat the
  • 08:25 --> 08:26patients differently, right?
  • 08:26 --> 08:29And it may give you
  • 08:29 --> 08:31some insight into potentially why
  • 08:31 --> 08:33certain people get triple negative
  • 08:33 --> 08:35breast cancers more than others.
  • 08:35 --> 08:37Maybe some populations of people
  • 08:37 --> 08:40automatically have a more robust immune
  • 08:40 --> 08:42response to cancer cells as they are
  • 08:42 --> 08:44initially beginning such that they
  • 08:44 --> 08:46don't develop into full blown tumors,
  • 08:46 --> 08:51and so you may be able to see differences.
  • 08:52 --> 08:55Are you looking also at the immune
  • 08:55 --> 08:57factors versus stage at presentation?
  • 08:57 --> 09:00Because that too might play
  • 09:00 --> 09:02into that whole story, right?
  • 09:02 --> 09:03Correct, and so
  • 09:03 --> 09:06we're looking at
  • 09:06 --> 09:08that as well.
  • 09:13 --> 09:15That could definitely play a difference
  • 09:15 --> 09:18in what makeup looks
  • 09:18 --> 09:21like at the end of the day?
  • 09:21 --> 09:23Because we want to make sure
  • 09:23 --> 09:26that we are comparing
  • 09:26 --> 09:28apples to apples.
  • 09:29 --> 09:33And so for this part of the study,
  • 09:33 --> 09:34you're actually looking
  • 09:34 --> 09:36at the tumors DNA, right?
  • 09:36 --> 09:38You're taking these tumor
  • 09:38 --> 09:40sections and doing next generation
  • 09:40 --> 09:43sequencing on the tumor and the micro
  • 09:43 --> 09:44environment surrounding the tumor,
  • 09:44 --> 09:47has anybody really looked at the immune
  • 09:47 --> 09:49system of different racial groups to
  • 09:49 --> 09:51see whether there are differences
  • 09:51 --> 09:54in immune cell production between
  • 09:54 --> 09:57different races that might
  • 09:57 --> 10:00give you some insight into
  • 10:00 --> 10:02how people mount immune responses.
  • 10:02 --> 10:03Whether that's the same for everybody,
  • 10:03 --> 10:05or whether there are nuances
  • 10:05 --> 10:06and so actually we
  • 10:06 --> 10:08have some
  • 10:08 --> 10:10evidence to that.
  • 10:12 --> 10:14As you think about things like autoimmune diseases
  • 10:14 --> 10:16autoimmune diseases tend to be
  • 10:16 --> 10:18more prevalent in certain
  • 10:18 --> 10:19populations,
  • 10:23 --> 10:25and they tend to have as you
  • 10:25 --> 10:26look at the immune system,
  • 10:26 --> 10:28the immune systems tends
  • 10:28 --> 10:29to be very overactive,
  • 10:29 --> 10:31and so these are things that can
  • 10:31 --> 10:33give us clues that maybe
  • 10:33 --> 10:35in different populations
  • 10:35 --> 10:37we may need to think differently
  • 10:37 --> 10:38about how we approach this,
  • 10:38 --> 10:40and so there are studies that have
  • 10:40 --> 10:41been done in different fields,
  • 10:41 --> 10:44and I think that we can utilize that
  • 10:44 --> 10:46to try to
  • 10:46 --> 10:48understand how this is applicable to
  • 10:48 --> 10:49cancer as well,
  • 10:49 --> 10:51and this is actually one of
  • 10:51 --> 10:53the main goals of this
  • 10:53 --> 10:54particular
  • 10:54 --> 10:56study that we're doing is to
  • 10:56 --> 10:57try to tease that out as well,
  • 10:57 --> 10:59and hopefully we can expand on that
  • 11:00 --> 11:02in terms of digging a bit
  • 11:02 --> 11:03more deeper into them,
  • 11:03 --> 11:04these different
  • 11:04 --> 11:05patient populations.
  • 11:05 --> 11:07So what I'd like to
  • 11:07 --> 11:08look at,
  • 11:08 --> 11:10although this particular site is looking at,
  • 11:10 --> 11:12individuals of African descent,
  • 11:12 --> 11:13individuals of Caucasian descent,
  • 11:13 --> 11:15I would also like to expand
  • 11:15 --> 11:16that to individuals of Asian
  • 11:16 --> 11:18descent as well and
  • 11:18 --> 11:20other populations because
  • 11:20 --> 11:22I believe that that's actually very
  • 11:22 --> 11:24important for us to be represented
  • 11:24 --> 11:26in order for
  • 11:26 --> 11:28us to understand exactly what's
  • 11:28 --> 11:30going on with cancers globally.
  • 11:30 --> 11:32And the other thing that
  • 11:32 --> 11:35you had mentioned just in passing was
  • 11:35 --> 11:38looking at different types of immune cells,
  • 11:38 --> 11:39so we often
  • 11:39 --> 11:42when we've been on this show,
  • 11:42 --> 11:43have talked about these
  • 11:43 --> 11:44tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
  • 11:44 --> 11:47And we talk about T cells,
  • 11:47 --> 11:49but there are other immune factors
  • 11:49 --> 11:51and other immune cells as well.
  • 11:51 --> 11:54Do we have any sense of
  • 11:54 --> 11:56how these immune cells vary in
  • 11:56 --> 11:59terms of their response to tumors?
  • 11:59 --> 12:01Either different types of
  • 12:01 --> 12:03tumors or to the same tumor,
  • 12:03 --> 12:04but in different people?
  • 12:04 --> 12:06Actually that's a really
  • 12:06 --> 12:09great question, and I've done some
  • 12:09 --> 12:11work in this in breast cancer itself,
  • 12:11 --> 12:14and so I'd like to share a little
  • 12:14 --> 12:17bit about a study that was recently
  • 12:17 --> 12:18published looking at breast
  • 12:18 --> 12:20cancers in predicting disease.
  • 12:20 --> 12:23I'm sorry B cells in predicting
  • 12:23 --> 12:25disease free survival in breast
  • 12:25 --> 12:26cancer patients and just as
  • 12:26 --> 12:28a little bit of background,
  • 12:28 --> 12:30metastasis is a frequent
  • 12:30 --> 12:32early event in many cancers,
  • 12:32 --> 12:34and so in breast cancer,
  • 12:34 --> 12:36lymph node invasion is a key determinant in
  • 12:36 --> 12:37prognosis and treatment.
  • 12:37 --> 12:39So our previous studies have shown
  • 12:39 --> 12:42that T cells and injured cells in the
  • 12:42 --> 12:44tumor draining lymph nodes may be
  • 12:44 --> 12:46altered in some breast cancer patients
  • 12:46 --> 12:47and can predict clinical outcome.
  • 12:47 --> 12:50But B cells are another major immune
  • 12:50 --> 12:52cell population for their role
  • 12:52 --> 12:54in solid cancers and is not well studied.
  • 12:54 --> 12:56So B cells isolated from
  • 12:56 --> 12:58tumor draining lymph nodes,
  • 12:58 --> 12:59specifically Sentinel lymph nodes,
  • 12:59 --> 13:02which are the first set of lymph nodes
  • 13:02 --> 13:04that the tumor drains into
  • 13:04 --> 13:05can recognize cancer associated
  • 13:05 --> 13:08antigens and are capable of producing
  • 13:08 --> 13:09antibodies against those antigens,
  • 13:09 --> 13:11and so in our study that
  • 13:11 --> 13:13we recently published
  • 13:13 --> 13:15we looked at the cells,
  • 13:15 --> 13:17and since all lymph nodes in
  • 13:17 --> 13:18breast cancer patients,
  • 13:18 --> 13:20we found that patients with higher
  • 13:20 --> 13:23numbers of these had longer
  • 13:23 --> 13:25disease free survival overall as
  • 13:25 --> 13:27well as in those patients with
  • 13:27 --> 13:29triple negative breast cancer
  • 13:29 --> 13:31that had actually good prognosis.
  • 13:31 --> 13:33Interestingly this can
  • 13:33 --> 13:36be seen in Melanoma patients and we
  • 13:36 --> 13:38recently also published this and
  • 13:38 --> 13:41we have found higher numbers
  • 13:41 --> 13:43correspond
  • 13:43 --> 13:45to longer progression free survival
  • 13:45 --> 13:47in patients with metastatic Melanoma
  • 13:47 --> 13:49treated with anti PDL1 immunotherapy.
  • 13:51 --> 13:54And so have we found a difference in
  • 13:54 --> 13:57terms of the number of B cells that are
  • 13:57 --> 14:00in tumors of people of African American
  • 14:00 --> 14:03descent versus Caucasians. So this
  • 14:03 --> 14:06is one of the things that we're
  • 14:06 --> 14:08looking at and that
  • 14:08 --> 14:10data is still to be evaluated.
  • 14:10 --> 14:12Certainly,
  • 14:12 --> 14:15if it's true that B cells do
  • 14:15 --> 14:17predict differences in survival,
  • 14:17 --> 14:20it sounds like it is a relatively
  • 14:20 --> 14:22simple prognostic factor.
  • 14:24 --> 14:27And it could give people an idea of
  • 14:27 --> 14:30how this biology is going to play out,
  • 14:30 --> 14:32particularly as it interfaces with
  • 14:32 --> 14:34the immune system.
  • 14:34 --> 14:36You're absolutely right, and
  • 14:36 --> 14:38the other thing that I'd like to
  • 14:38 --> 14:40point out too is that
  • 14:40 --> 14:41the immune system is called a
  • 14:41 --> 14:43system for a very specific reason.
  • 14:43 --> 14:45It works as a system,
  • 14:45 --> 14:47so B cells do not work in isolation.
  • 14:47 --> 14:49T cells do not work in isolation,
  • 14:49 --> 14:52and so all these things require
  • 14:52 --> 14:54to be working together
  • 14:54 --> 14:57and so this is one of the things
  • 14:57 --> 14:59that we need to think about when we
  • 14:59 --> 15:01make these prognostics and predict
  • 15:01 --> 15:04the tools is to consider all
  • 15:04 --> 15:05these different immune systems
  • 15:05 --> 15:07and put them together to make
  • 15:07 --> 15:08choices that we move forward.
  • 15:08 --> 15:11We're going to pick up on
  • 15:11 --> 15:13that conversation right after we take
  • 15:13 --> 15:15a short break for medical minute.
  • 15:15 --> 15:17Please stay tuned to learn more about
  • 15:17 --> 15:19health disparities and cancer and the
  • 15:19 --> 15:21immune system with my guest doctor Kim Blenman.
  • 15:21 --> 15:23Support comes from AstraZeneca,
  • 15:23 --> 15:26working side by side with
  • 15:26 --> 15:28leading scientists to better
  • 15:28 --> 15:33understand how complex data can be
  • 15:33 --> 15:35converted into
  • 15:35 --> 15:36innovative treatments. More information at
  • 15:38 --> 15:40This is a medical minute
  • 15:40 --> 15:41about colorectal cancer.
  • 15:41 --> 15:42When detected early,
  • 15:42 --> 15:44colorectal cancer is easily treated
  • 15:44 --> 15:47and highly curable and as a result,
  • 15:47 --> 15:49it's recommended that men and women
  • 15:49 --> 15:52over the age of 50 have regular
  • 15:52 --> 15:55colonoscopies to screen for the disease.
  • 15:55 --> 15:58Tumor gene analysis has helped improve
  • 15:58 --> 15:59management of colorectal cancer
  • 15:59 --> 16:01by identifying the patients most
  • 16:01 --> 16:03likely to benefit from chemotherapy
  • 16:03 --> 16:05and newer targeted agents,
  • 16:05 --> 16:07resulting in more patient
  • 16:07 --> 16:08specific treatments.
  • 16:08 --> 16:10More information is available
  • 16:10 --> 16:11at
  • 16:11 --> 16:15You're listening to Connecticut public radio.
  • 16:15 --> 16:16Welcome
  • 16:16 --> 16:18back to Yale Cancer Answers.
  • 16:18 --> 16:21This is doctor Anees Chagpar and I'm
  • 16:21 --> 16:24joined tonight by my guest doctor Kim Blenman
  • 16:24 --> 16:27and we're talking about health disparities
  • 16:27 --> 16:30in cancer and right before the break
  • 16:30 --> 16:32Kim, you were talking to us
  • 16:32 --> 16:34about some of the studies that
  • 16:34 --> 16:37you're doing in breast cancer,
  • 16:37 --> 16:39and specifically one study in triple
  • 16:39 --> 16:41negative breast cancers where you're
  • 16:41 --> 16:43looking retrospectively at the
  • 16:43 --> 16:45various immune systems and immune
  • 16:45 --> 16:48responses that are mounted by patients
  • 16:48 --> 16:50with triple negative breast cancer and
  • 16:50 --> 16:54you kind of left us hanging
  • 16:54 --> 16:57in terms of the details of whether this
  • 16:57 --> 17:00is really different between African
  • 17:00 --> 17:02Americans and Caucasian patients.
  • 17:02 --> 17:04We know, for example,
  • 17:04 --> 17:06that in triple negative breast cancer
  • 17:06 --> 17:10it seems to be more prevalent in African
  • 17:10 --> 17:12Americans than in Caucasian patients.
  • 17:12 --> 17:15Can you shed some more light on how
  • 17:15 --> 17:17different cancers affect different
  • 17:17 --> 17:19racial groups differently?
  • 17:20 --> 17:23Yes, and as I mentioned,
  • 17:23 --> 17:26my research interest is in the
  • 17:26 --> 17:28biological factors responsible for
  • 17:28 --> 17:31disparities and disease and their responses.
  • 17:31 --> 17:32So in that context,
  • 17:32 --> 17:34Melanoma is a great example.
  • 17:34 --> 17:37So Melanoma is a skin cancer that
  • 17:37 --> 17:40occurs most commonly when the DNA in
  • 17:40 --> 17:42melanocytes is damaged by UV rays.
  • 17:42 --> 17:44That is sun exposure.
  • 17:44 --> 17:46So melanocytes are the
  • 17:46 --> 17:48cells that produce melanin,
  • 17:48 --> 17:50which gives skin its color.
  • 17:50 --> 17:53Eumelanin is a type of melanin that
  • 17:53 --> 17:56is responsible for darkening the skin
  • 17:56 --> 17:59and it has the ability to protect the
  • 17:59 --> 18:02skin from UV damage so when individuals
  • 18:02 --> 18:06tan as a result of exposure to the sun,
  • 18:06 --> 18:08youe melanin is responsible for the
  • 18:08 --> 18:12visible color that you see as the tan so
  • 18:12 --> 18:14individuals with naturally darker skin,
  • 18:14 --> 18:17have more eumelanin and are therefore
  • 18:17 --> 18:19at lower risk for developing
  • 18:19 --> 18:21UV induced skin cancer.
  • 18:21 --> 18:22So for decades,
  • 18:22 --> 18:25the messages that were shared in general
  • 18:25 --> 18:28and in communities of people of color
  • 18:28 --> 18:31with naturally darker skin was that
  • 18:31 --> 18:33people of color do not get Melanoma.
  • 18:33 --> 18:34However,
  • 18:34 --> 18:36today we know that the most common form
  • 18:36 --> 18:39of Melanoma found in individuals with
  • 18:39 --> 18:42naturally darker skin is acral Melanoma,
  • 18:42 --> 18:45which is often found under nails.
  • 18:45 --> 18:49On the palms of hands and the soles of feet,
  • 18:49 --> 18:51and disease of face.
  • 18:51 --> 18:53The musician Bob Marley from
  • 18:53 --> 18:55Jamaica died of acral Melanoma.
  • 18:55 --> 18:58And so this is a good
  • 18:58 --> 19:00example of why it's
  • 19:00 --> 19:02important that we actually take into
  • 19:02 --> 19:04account these biological factors and
  • 19:04 --> 19:08try to find or look for things that
  • 19:08 --> 19:11may give us some clues as to why
  • 19:11 --> 19:14things are different that are not
  • 19:14 --> 19:16a part of social determinants of Health
  • 19:16 --> 19:20and so this is how we really got
  • 19:20 --> 19:22interested in looking into these
  • 19:24 --> 19:26different factors for
  • 19:26 --> 19:27these different cancers.
  • 19:27 --> 19:31That makes sense in in Melanoma,
  • 19:31 --> 19:33in breast cancer we were
  • 19:33 --> 19:35talking about before the break
  • 19:35 --> 19:38it's a little bit more
  • 19:38 --> 19:40tricky in the sense that there doesn't
  • 19:40 --> 19:43seem to be a particular factor.
  • 19:43 --> 19:45Something like eumelanin,
  • 19:45 --> 19:47which would be different between African
  • 19:47 --> 19:49Americans and Caucasian patients,
  • 19:49 --> 19:52which I guess is how you
  • 19:52 --> 19:54got into thinking about
  • 19:54 --> 19:57why is it that triple negative
  • 19:57 --> 20:00breast cancer is more common in
  • 20:00 --> 20:03African American patients
  • 20:03 --> 20:06and could this have something
  • 20:06 --> 20:09to do with their immune system?
  • 20:09 --> 20:11Because certainly we know that triple
  • 20:11 --> 20:14negative breast cancers are immunogenic.
  • 20:15 --> 20:16Exactly, and actually,
  • 20:16 --> 20:17that's the link with
  • 20:17 --> 20:19the acral Melanoma as well.
  • 20:19 --> 20:21So the thing about acral
  • 20:21 --> 20:23Melanoma is that it actually has a
  • 20:23 --> 20:25lot of infiltrating immune cells.
  • 20:25 --> 20:27and are a little bit less
  • 20:27 --> 20:30involved in individuals of Caucasian descent,
  • 20:30 --> 20:32and so
  • 20:32 --> 20:33you're thinking about, okay
  • 20:33 --> 20:35let's look at the immune cells.
  • 20:35 --> 20:37You know there's something
  • 20:37 --> 20:38different about the immune cells.
  • 20:38 --> 20:41and the types of cells also infiltrated
  • 20:41 --> 20:44that's making these differences that we see.
  • 20:44 --> 20:47And I suppose you did
  • 20:47 --> 20:49mention before the break about
  • 20:49 --> 20:51your study looking at B cells,
  • 20:51 --> 20:54and I believe you mentioned that you
  • 20:54 --> 20:57found that B cells were tied to prognosis
  • 20:57 --> 21:00in both Melanoma and in breast cancer,
  • 21:00 --> 21:02correct?
  • 21:02 --> 21:06I guess that leads us to the next study
  • 21:06 --> 21:10that you had mentioned before the break,
  • 21:10 --> 21:12which is a prospective trial
  • 21:12 --> 21:14looking at immunotherapy because,
  • 21:14 --> 21:17as we've talked about on the show previously,
  • 21:17 --> 21:21and as many of our listeners may know,
  • 21:21 --> 21:22immunotherapy actually has
  • 21:22 --> 21:25really taken hold in Melanoma
  • 21:25 --> 21:27and is just starting to get evaluated
  • 21:27 --> 21:30in breast cancer and specifically in
  • 21:30 --> 21:32triple negative breast cancer, so
  • 21:32 --> 21:34maybe you can tell us a little
  • 21:34 --> 21:36bit more about your work there.
  • 21:40 --> 21:42In the last five to 10 years or so
  • 21:42 --> 21:43you've mentioned,
  • 21:43 --> 21:45we've started to really recognize
  • 21:45 --> 21:47that the immune system has a role in
  • 21:47 --> 21:48how cancer patients will respond to
  • 21:48 --> 21:51many of the therapies that we give,
  • 21:51 --> 21:51including chemotherapy.
  • 21:51 --> 21:53So to take advantage of that fact,
  • 21:53 --> 21:55we are, as you mentioned,
  • 21:55 --> 21:56starting to identify and use therapies
  • 21:56 --> 21:58that directly impact the immune system
  • 21:58 --> 22:00alone or in combination with chemotherapy.
  • 22:00 --> 22:01So, for example,
  • 22:01 --> 22:03we have an ongoing study that
  • 22:03 --> 22:05is evaluating the benefit of giving our
  • 22:05 --> 22:07triple negative breast cancer patients
  • 22:07 --> 22:10Anti PDL1 immunotherapy with
  • 22:10 --> 22:11chemotherapy before they're taken
  • 22:11 --> 22:14to surgery and the advantage of that
  • 22:14 --> 22:17is that we're trying to understand
  • 22:17 --> 22:19whether or not this
  • 22:19 --> 22:21particular regiment of giving that
  • 22:21 --> 22:24immunotherapy could help boost
  • 22:24 --> 22:26the immune system's ability to
  • 22:26 --> 22:28see the cancer or to break it down
  • 22:28 --> 22:30so that the chemotherapy itself
  • 22:30 --> 22:33can respond better to the cancer.
  • 22:33 --> 22:34And, as I said,
  • 22:34 --> 22:36the study is still ongoing,
  • 22:36 --> 22:39but we are starting to see some
  • 22:39 --> 22:41very interesting results that
  • 22:41 --> 22:43have some positive benefit
  • 22:43 --> 22:46for Anti PDL1.
  • 22:46 --> 22:49Now how does
  • 22:49 --> 22:50that immunotherapy work,
  • 22:50 --> 22:52particularly for people who
  • 22:52 --> 22:57have PD L1 or PDL or PD one
  • 22:57 --> 23:00receptors or would it work
  • 23:00 --> 23:02for any triple negative?
  • 23:02 --> 23:04Actually this is
  • 23:04 --> 23:07kind of interesting because we're
  • 23:07 --> 23:10actually finding that we are getting
  • 23:10 --> 23:12affected regardless of whether or
  • 23:12 --> 23:14not the individuals have PD L1
  • 23:14 --> 23:16as part of their tumor,
  • 23:16 --> 23:19and so there are other things
  • 23:19 --> 23:21going on there that are mediating
  • 23:21 --> 23:23this response that we're still trying
  • 23:23 --> 23:26to learn for this particular PD1
  • 23:26 --> 23:28PD L1 Axis.
  • 23:28 --> 23:31So it's certainly a really interesting
  • 23:31 --> 23:34and novel thing to think about,
  • 23:34 --> 23:37and I know many of our listeners are
  • 23:37 --> 23:39always intrigued by immunotherapy.
  • 23:39 --> 23:42It seems to be a really hot topic,
  • 23:42 --> 23:45but when we think about immunotherapy,
  • 23:45 --> 23:48one of the things that we always caution
  • 23:48 --> 23:51patients about is the side effects,
  • 23:51 --> 23:54which tend to be
  • 23:54 --> 23:57side effects that are an exacerbation of
  • 23:57 --> 24:00the immune system because essentially you
  • 24:00 --> 24:04rev up your immune system or as you say,
  • 24:04 --> 24:07you can make tumor cells more
  • 24:07 --> 24:10susceptible to the immune system,
  • 24:10 --> 24:12now have you noticed a difference
  • 24:12 --> 24:15in terms of racial groups with
  • 24:15 --> 24:18regards to those side effects?
  • 24:18 --> 24:20Because you mentioned that there
  • 24:20 --> 24:23is a racial difference in terms
  • 24:23 --> 24:26of autoimmune diseases so
  • 24:26 --> 24:28one would imagine that there might
  • 24:28 --> 24:31be a difference in terms of the side
  • 24:31 --> 24:33effects with immunotherapy as well.
  • 24:33 --> 24:34Have you found
  • 24:34 --> 24:36that so?
  • 24:36 --> 24:38That's a great question and something that
  • 24:38 --> 24:40we are actually evaluating now.
  • 24:40 --> 24:42And so as I said,
  • 24:42 --> 24:44the study is still ongoing,
  • 24:44 --> 24:46so we don't have enough patients
  • 24:46 --> 24:48collected yet in the different groups
  • 24:48 --> 24:50to actually make any statements.
  • 24:50 --> 24:52But this is actually something
  • 24:52 --> 24:54that I am very interested in.
  • 24:54 --> 24:56And is one of my
  • 24:56 --> 24:58major goals of this study is
  • 24:58 --> 25:01to try to tease out NOTE Confidence: 0.89420384
  • 25:01 --> 25:04those potential differences that we see
  • 25:04 --> 25:06between different populations of people,
  • 25:06 --> 25:08but no, we don't
  • 25:08 --> 25:10have that information yet,
  • 25:10 --> 25:13but I suspect that we will be able to
  • 25:13 --> 25:16see in these studies and other studies
  • 25:16 --> 25:18that others are doing.
  • 25:18 --> 25:19Do we know whether different
  • 25:19 --> 25:21racial groups will respond
  • 25:21 --> 25:23differently to immunotherapy?
  • 25:23 --> 25:26For example, if patients have a
  • 25:26 --> 25:28similar tumor in terms of their PDL1
  • 25:28 --> 25:32status. The size of the tumor,
  • 25:32 --> 25:35the B cells and the T cells that
  • 25:35 --> 25:38are in the micro environment and
  • 25:38 --> 25:40you give them immunotherapy.
  • 25:40 --> 25:42Do we know whether,
  • 25:42 --> 25:45just by fact of different racial groups,
  • 25:45 --> 25:48they will Mount a different immune
  • 25:48 --> 25:51response that will then result in
  • 25:51 --> 25:53differences in terms of the effect?
  • 25:55 --> 25:58So I think one of the first things
  • 25:58 --> 26:01that we need to think about is
  • 26:01 --> 26:04the individual and
  • 26:04 --> 26:07for that purpose you know
  • 26:07 --> 26:09the health of the individuals is
  • 26:09 --> 26:11influenced by many interconnected
  • 26:11 --> 26:13factors such as their individual biology,
  • 26:13 --> 26:14their behavior,
  • 26:14 --> 26:16environmental and physical influences.
  • 26:16 --> 26:18The type of medical care that they're
  • 26:18 --> 26:20getting and the social determinants
  • 26:20 --> 26:22which are influenced by both the
  • 26:22 --> 26:24socio economic and political factors.
  • 26:24 --> 26:27And so we now know that each of
  • 26:27 --> 26:30these factors can lead to the health
  • 26:30 --> 26:32disparities that exist in cancer,
  • 26:32 --> 26:35and so these are the things that we
  • 26:35 --> 26:37actually need to consider when we
  • 26:37 --> 26:39talk about potentially,
  • 26:39 --> 26:41one population being
  • 26:41 --> 26:42different than the other,
  • 26:42 --> 26:46and so I think the individual health is
  • 26:46 --> 26:49something that we should
  • 26:49 --> 26:52consider versus the entire population
  • 26:53 --> 26:54of that individual.
  • 26:54 --> 26:58So with that being said,
  • 26:58 --> 27:00it's going to be determinant on what
  • 27:00 --> 27:01their biology is that individual
  • 27:01 --> 27:04biology and how they are going
  • 27:04 --> 27:06to respond to that individual therapy,
  • 27:06 --> 27:08and so I don't want to generalize to an
  • 27:08 --> 27:10entire population on that perspective,
  • 27:10 --> 27:12but I think you know the more
  • 27:12 --> 27:14pressing question for me is,
  • 27:14 --> 27:17how can we overcome these
  • 27:17 --> 27:19disparities that I just mentioned and for
  • 27:19 --> 27:21me I think that we need to
  • 27:22 --> 27:24do more inclusive research.
  • 27:24 --> 27:26We need to recognize that as human
  • 27:26 --> 27:29beings we are part of a collective that
  • 27:29 --> 27:31is made up of different populations.
  • 27:31 --> 27:33And then in order for us to move
  • 27:33 --> 27:35forward in science and medicine,
  • 27:35 --> 27:37we need to include all of our populations
  • 27:37 --> 27:39in all of our research endeavors.
  • 27:39 --> 27:41And this level of diversity is not only
  • 27:41 --> 27:43required in the populations that we study,
  • 27:43 --> 27:45but it also needs to be equally represented
  • 27:45 --> 27:47in the faculty members that are
  • 27:47 --> 27:49performing and or involved in these studies.
  • 27:49 --> 27:51So again, representing the diversity
  • 27:51 --> 27:52of our global population.
  • 27:52 --> 27:53But again,
  • 27:53 --> 27:55giving us some concept of the
  • 27:55 --> 27:56individual as well.
  • 27:56 --> 27:58Doctor Kim Blenman
  • 27:58 --> 27:59is an associate research
  • 27:59 --> 28:01scientist in medical oncology
  • 28:01 --> 28:03at the Yale School of Medicine.
  • 28:03 --> 28:05If you have questions,
  • 28:05 --> 28:06the address is
  • 28:06 --> 28:08and past editions of the program
  • 28:08 --> 28:10are available in audio and written
  • 28:10 --> 28:12form at
  • 28:12 --> 28:14We hope you'll join us next week to
  • 28:14 --> 28:17learn more about the fight against
  • 28:17 --> 28:19cancer here on Connecticut public radio.