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COVID-19 Vaccine and PET Scans


  • 00:00 --> 00:01Funding for Yale Cancer Answers
  • 00:01 --> 00:03is provided by Smilow Cancer
  • 00:04 --> 00:05Hospital and AstraZeneca.
  • 00:07 --> 00:10Welcome to Yale Cancer Answers with
  • 00:10 --> 00:12your host doctor Anees Chagpar.
  • 00:12 --> 00:14Yale Cancer Answers features the
  • 00:14 --> 00:16latest information on cancer care by
  • 00:16 --> 00:18welcoming oncologists and specialists
  • 00:18 --> 00:20who are on the forefront of the
  • 00:20 --> 00:22battle to fight cancer. This week,
  • 00:22 --> 00:24it's a conversation about nuclear
  • 00:24 --> 00:26medicine and cancer management with
  • 00:26 --> 00:27Doctor Darko Pucar. Dr. Pucar is
  • 00:27 --> 00:29an associate professor
  • 00:29 --> 00:31of radiology and biomedical imaging
  • 00:31 --> 00:34at the Yale School of Medicine,
  • 00:34 --> 00:37where Dr. Chagpar is a professor
  • 00:37 --> 00:39of surgical oncology.
  • 00:39 --> 00:41Darko, maybe we can start off by you
  • 00:41 --> 00:43telling us a little bit about
  • 00:43 --> 00:44yourself and about what you do.
  • 00:45 --> 00:48I am a nuclear radiologist.
  • 00:48 --> 00:50That means I have received training in
  • 00:50 --> 00:53general radiology and nuclear medicine.
  • 00:53 --> 00:54In my case I did that
  • 00:54 --> 00:56at Cornell and Sloan
  • 00:56 --> 00:58Kettering and I'm certified by the
  • 00:58 --> 01:00American Board of Radiology and
  • 01:00 --> 01:02the Board of Nuclear Medicine.
  • 01:02 --> 01:05I also have a science degree from
  • 01:05 --> 01:08Mayo Clinic and I provide clinical
  • 01:08 --> 01:10service and I conduct research
  • 01:10 --> 01:12in general nuclear medicine.
  • 01:12 --> 01:15and nuclear medicine therapy,
  • 01:15 --> 01:16and aeronautics,
  • 01:16 --> 01:18which I will explain in a minute.
  • 01:18 --> 01:20Let's breakdown
  • 01:20 --> 01:24some of those things,
  • 01:24 --> 01:27tell our audience a little bit more about
  • 01:27 --> 01:30what exactly is nuclear medicine.
  • 01:30 --> 01:33We do use radioactive
  • 01:33 --> 01:36tracers to detect cancer,
  • 01:36 --> 01:39monitor cancer, and treat cancer.
  • 01:39 --> 01:41So radioactive tracers are a chemical
  • 01:41 --> 01:44compound in which one or more
  • 01:44 --> 01:47atoms have been replaced by radioisotope
  • 01:47 --> 01:49in the process that we call labeling.
  • 01:49 --> 01:51So these chemical compounds are
  • 01:51 --> 01:54participants in body functions that
  • 01:54 --> 01:56are usually altered by cancer,
  • 01:56 --> 02:00and we have two options.
  • 02:00 --> 02:03One is to label the
  • 02:03 --> 02:04radioisotope with the gamma rays,
  • 02:04 --> 02:06in which case we can
  • 02:06 --> 02:09produce images or we can
  • 02:09 --> 02:10use radioisotopes that
  • 02:10 --> 02:12emit the high energy particles,
  • 02:12 --> 02:15in which case we can kill the cancer.
  • 02:15 --> 02:17It sounds like nuclear
  • 02:17 --> 02:20medicine has a role to play both in
  • 02:20 --> 02:22diagnostics as well as in therapeutics.
  • 02:22 --> 02:25So let's look at the diagnostics.
  • 02:25 --> 02:27To begin with, many of
  • 02:27 --> 02:29us have heard about PET scans.
  • 02:29 --> 02:31Is that really the main modality
  • 02:31 --> 02:33that's used in nuclear medicine
  • 02:33 --> 02:35for cancer and tell us a little
  • 02:35 --> 02:37bit more about how that works?
  • 02:37 --> 02:39Yeah, you are absolutely right.
  • 02:39 --> 02:42PET scans really are the main modality
  • 02:42 --> 02:45used for cancer diagnostics,
  • 02:45 --> 02:48and it's basically a hybrid machine
  • 02:48 --> 02:50or hybrid scanner that consists of
  • 02:50 --> 02:53the CT scanner which is X ray
  • 02:53 --> 02:55machine that produced 3D map of body
  • 02:55 --> 02:58density and of the PET scanner,
  • 02:58 --> 03:00which is basically a gamma ray
  • 03:00 --> 03:02detector machine that again gives
  • 03:02 --> 03:05us 3D map of tracer distribution
  • 03:05 --> 03:07in the body and then at the end
  • 03:07 --> 03:11you fuse CT and PET images to get images
  • 03:11 --> 03:14that show both anatomy and function in
  • 03:14 --> 03:18the normal tissue and in the cancer.
  • 03:18 --> 03:21Do all cancer patients get a pet CT?
  • 03:21 --> 03:24Or is this only for particular patients?
  • 03:25 --> 03:28Well, it would depend from cancer to cancer,
  • 03:28 --> 03:30but usually PET scans in most
  • 03:30 --> 03:33cancers but not in all I use for
  • 03:33 --> 03:36more advance patients with cancer.
  • 03:36 --> 03:38So those are the patients where
  • 03:38 --> 03:41the cancer is either very large locally,
  • 03:41 --> 03:44it is spread to the nodes nearby
  • 03:44 --> 03:46to the cancer site or has
  • 03:46 --> 03:48metastasized to distant body sites.
  • 03:49 --> 03:51And so the pet scan really gives
  • 03:51 --> 03:54us an idea of how far the cancer
  • 03:54 --> 03:55has spread. Is that right?
  • 03:56 --> 03:57Absolutely, and the
  • 03:57 --> 04:00main advantage of the PET scan is that it
  • 04:00 --> 04:02can detect very small lesions that
  • 04:02 --> 04:04are not visible on the conventional
  • 04:04 --> 04:06imaging like a CAT scan or MRI.
  • 04:07 --> 04:10But then you also mentioned that the
  • 04:10 --> 04:12same nuclear medicine technologies
  • 04:12 --> 04:15can be used in the therapeutic arena.
  • 04:15 --> 04:17So tell us more about that.
  • 04:17 --> 04:20Yeah, so this is very exciting development.
  • 04:20 --> 04:24I mean for years we have treated cancers,
  • 04:24 --> 04:26but it was mostly limited to the
  • 04:26 --> 04:29iodine treatment for thyroid cancer.
  • 04:29 --> 04:32But now we are getting many new exciting
  • 04:32 --> 04:34compounds for prostate cancer for
  • 04:34 --> 04:36the new rendering tumors and probably
  • 04:37 --> 04:39would spread to other cancers as well.
  • 04:39 --> 04:42There are two types of
  • 04:42 --> 04:45therapies that we conduct.
  • 04:45 --> 04:48One is if we use chemical
  • 04:48 --> 04:51compounds that image
  • 04:51 --> 04:53these high energy particles
  • 04:53 --> 04:55to kill the cancer,
  • 04:55 --> 04:58but we do imaging still with a
  • 04:58 --> 05:00conventional PET scan which
  • 05:00 --> 05:01usually maps the glucose.
  • 05:01 --> 05:03It's called fluorodeoxyglucose and
  • 05:03 --> 05:05then there is a new exciting process
  • 05:05 --> 05:07which is called theranostics in which
  • 05:07 --> 05:10we can use the same chemical compound
  • 05:10 --> 05:12which is important to the function of
  • 05:12 --> 05:15cancer which are labeled either
  • 05:15 --> 05:18with the isotopes that can be detected
  • 05:18 --> 05:21by gamma ray detectors and give us
  • 05:21 --> 05:24imagine or it can be labeled with a high
  • 05:24 --> 05:26energy particles and kill the cancer.
  • 05:26 --> 05:28So probably the most common
  • 05:28 --> 05:31examples that are probably even
  • 05:31 --> 05:33known to our audience is dotatate
  • 05:36 --> 05:38and is the treatment for neuroendocrine cancer.
  • 05:38 --> 05:40So if we label them with
  • 05:40 --> 05:42some isotopes like gallium 68
  • 05:42 --> 05:44we will get images but we can label
  • 05:44 --> 05:47with other allies like lutetium,
  • 05:47 --> 05:49in which case we can kill the cancer
  • 05:49 --> 05:52and what is up and coming and many
  • 05:52 --> 05:54prostate cancer patients are
  • 05:54 --> 05:57waiting for that eagerly is to get
  • 05:57 --> 05:59both imaging and treatment with
  • 05:59 --> 06:01prostate specific membrane antigen.
  • 06:01 --> 06:05It sounds like these
  • 06:05 --> 06:07technologies, if you're able
  • 06:07 --> 06:09to identify a specific antigen,
  • 06:09 --> 06:13a specific protein on a particular cancer,
  • 06:13 --> 06:17and target that with a particle that
  • 06:17 --> 06:19can kill it, it would seem to me
  • 06:19 --> 06:21that this would be a very specific
  • 06:21 --> 06:23way to kill cancer cells.
  • 06:24 --> 06:26You are correct. So in most cases
  • 06:26 --> 06:29our therapy has produced results that
  • 06:29 --> 06:32are comparable to other systemic
  • 06:32 --> 06:35therapy like chemotherapy but with
  • 06:35 --> 06:37substantially lower adverse effects.
  • 06:37 --> 06:41So we kind of achieve similar results
  • 06:41 --> 06:44but with less morbidity to our patients.
  • 06:44 --> 06:46Is this widely available or is
  • 06:46 --> 06:49this still in the research arena
  • 06:49 --> 06:51and undergoing clinical trials?
  • 06:54 --> 06:56As I mentioned before,
  • 06:56 --> 06:58we had iodine for treatment
  • 06:58 --> 07:01of thyroid cancer for decades,
  • 07:01 --> 07:04and more recently we have an already
  • 07:04 --> 07:06clinically approved drug,
  • 07:06 --> 07:08which is called Xofigo,
  • 07:08 --> 07:09which is actually labeled
  • 07:09 --> 07:10radioactive labeled radium,
  • 07:10 --> 07:13that can kill metastatic disease
  • 07:13 --> 07:16from prostate cancer in the bone,
  • 07:16 --> 07:17and most recently
  • 07:17 --> 07:19and obviously they've got a lot
  • 07:19 --> 07:21of press attention is lutera,
  • 07:21 --> 07:23which is again labeled
  • 07:23 --> 07:25dotatate that can kill
  • 07:25 --> 07:27advanced neuroendocrine tumors.
  • 07:28 --> 07:32And for those that are approved
  • 07:32 --> 07:35are those now taking over instead
  • 07:35 --> 07:37of being treated with chemotherapy,
  • 07:37 --> 07:40or are these now being treated
  • 07:40 --> 07:41with these theranostics?
  • 07:44 --> 07:48It's more like they're
  • 07:48 --> 07:51getting incorporated in the treatment
  • 07:51 --> 07:54algorithms, our patients might have heard
  • 07:54 --> 07:56there is something called the
  • 07:56 --> 07:58National Comprehensive Network which
  • 07:58 --> 08:00is a body that provides all these
  • 08:00 --> 08:03guidelines how the cancers are treated and
  • 08:03 --> 08:06slowly the radionuclide therapies are
  • 08:06 --> 08:09getting incorporated in those guidelines
  • 08:09 --> 08:12and are used when appropriate
  • 08:12 --> 08:15to treat advanced or metastatic cancer.
  • 08:15 --> 08:17Help me to understand
  • 08:17 --> 08:18that a bit better.
  • 08:18 --> 08:20I mean because on the one hand it
  • 08:20 --> 08:23sounds like this is so exciting, right?
  • 08:23 --> 08:25That these theranostics,
  • 08:25 --> 08:29if they can truly target
  • 08:29 --> 08:32these cancers and kill them,
  • 08:32 --> 08:34and they're specific enough in the
  • 08:34 --> 08:37sense that you know this is how
  • 08:37 --> 08:39we look for cancers on imaging,
  • 08:39 --> 08:42and so we know that
  • 08:42 --> 08:44they're very specific and don't have all
  • 08:44 --> 08:47of the side effects of chemotherapy.
  • 08:47 --> 08:51Why haven't they been widely adopted yet?
  • 08:51 --> 08:52What's the downside?
  • 08:52 --> 08:56Well, each cancer and each
  • 08:56 --> 09:00cancer stage is kind of different, so
  • 09:00 --> 09:03for example, in thyroid cancer it is
  • 09:03 --> 09:07generally given after a thyroidectomy,
  • 09:07 --> 09:08which is removal of the thyroid
  • 09:10 --> 09:12and after radioactive iodine
  • 09:12 --> 09:14is given most patients get cured,
  • 09:14 --> 09:17so thyroid cancer is a relatively
  • 09:17 --> 09:18well behaving cancer.
  • 09:18 --> 09:21So in this particular cancer we can actually
  • 09:21 --> 09:24achieve cure. In some other cancers,
  • 09:24 --> 09:26for example metastatic prostate cancer,
  • 09:26 --> 09:29when we are going to use
  • 09:29 --> 09:32radioactive isotopes we will have actually
  • 09:32 --> 09:35to prove that they have advantages
  • 09:35 --> 09:38versus other chemotherapy options,
  • 09:38 --> 09:39which requires large trials and
  • 09:41 --> 09:44I don't know if our patients have
  • 09:44 --> 09:46heard of different lines of chemotherapy,
  • 09:46 --> 09:48usually there is a first line and
  • 09:48 --> 09:49then if there is a progression
  • 09:49 --> 09:51second and third line and so on.
  • 09:51 --> 09:53So you not only have to prove
  • 09:53 --> 09:54that they generally work,
  • 09:54 --> 09:57but you have to find appropriate lines
  • 09:57 --> 09:59of the therapy for those tracers.
  • 09:59 --> 10:00So this is now in the
  • 10:00 --> 10:02process of active research.
  • 10:02 --> 10:06So basically they have in a way
  • 10:06 --> 10:09similar limitations as a chemotherapy,
  • 10:09 --> 10:12despite much lower side effects.
  • 10:12 --> 10:14If that cancer is very bad,
  • 10:14 --> 10:17like advanced castrate
  • 10:17 --> 10:18resistant prostate cancer,
  • 10:18 --> 10:20they will have less impact because
  • 10:20 --> 10:22the cancer is already so aggressive.
  • 10:23 --> 10:24But if thyroid cancer,
  • 10:24 --> 10:25for example,
  • 10:25 --> 10:27that cancer is relatively
  • 10:27 --> 10:28well behaving,
  • 10:28 --> 10:30then we actually can achieve cure.
  • 10:30 --> 10:31So basically,
  • 10:31 --> 10:33in the first situation we will
  • 10:33 --> 10:36buy time for the patients to
  • 10:36 --> 10:38give them longer survival.
  • 10:38 --> 10:40While in this version of thyroid
  • 10:40 --> 10:42cancer will actually achieve the cure.
  • 10:43 --> 10:45It sounds like there's
  • 10:45 --> 10:47still clinical trials ongoing
  • 10:47 --> 10:49to kind of evaluate the optimal
  • 10:49 --> 10:52situation in which these theranostics
  • 10:52 --> 10:54should be used. Is that right?
  • 10:54 --> 10:56Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
  • 10:56 --> 10:58So for the neuroendocrine tumors
  • 10:58 --> 11:00and prostate we'll actually be
  • 11:00 --> 11:02evaluating what are the optimal
  • 11:02 --> 11:04situations to be used. In the other cancer there
  • 11:05 --> 11:08are still not agents that
  • 11:08 --> 11:10are either approved clinically
  • 11:10 --> 11:13or approved for trials.
  • 11:13 --> 11:15There will be a so-called early
  • 11:15 --> 11:17phase one and phase two studies
  • 11:17 --> 11:19to see whether they work at all.
  • 11:19 --> 11:21So at the moment again, thyroid,
  • 11:21 --> 11:23prostate and NETs are where
  • 11:25 --> 11:26Radionuclide therapies
  • 11:26 --> 11:27have advanced the most.
  • 11:28 --> 11:29Are there other cancers
  • 11:29 --> 11:31that are on the horizon?
  • 11:31 --> 11:34Are there other advances that you're
  • 11:34 --> 11:35particularly excited about?
  • 11:35 --> 11:38I just laughed a little bit about
  • 11:38 --> 11:40this because we're getting so many
  • 11:40 --> 11:42contacts from the pharmaceutical
  • 11:42 --> 11:44companies there are almost tracers
  • 11:44 --> 11:46for every cancer that you can imagine,
  • 11:46 --> 11:49but they will have to pass through
  • 11:49 --> 11:52phase one and phase two trials to see
  • 11:52 --> 11:54which of these tracers would make
  • 11:54 --> 11:56sense to develop as clinical agents.
  • 11:57 --> 12:00And tell us a little bit more about the
  • 12:00 --> 12:02side effects of these theranostics because
  • 12:02 --> 12:05it sounds like with them being so targeted,
  • 12:05 --> 12:08granted you know it makes a
  • 12:08 --> 12:09difference how aggressive the cancer
  • 12:09 --> 12:11is and how far gone it is,
  • 12:11 --> 12:14but do they have a lot of side effects?
  • 12:14 --> 12:16Because it seems to me that when
  • 12:16 --> 12:19we talk on the show about chemotherapy,
  • 12:19 --> 12:22chemotherapy really targets many cells.
  • 12:22 --> 12:24Any rapidly dividing cell,
  • 12:24 --> 12:27which is why they cause
  • 12:27 --> 12:30things like hair loss and bone
  • 12:30 --> 12:31marrow suppression and so on,
  • 12:31 --> 12:34because these are rapidly dividing cells.
  • 12:34 --> 12:37But in the situation where
  • 12:37 --> 12:41a protein that is very specific to a
  • 12:41 --> 12:44cancer can be targeted and almost like
  • 12:44 --> 12:47a laser killed by these theranostics.
  • 12:47 --> 12:50One would imagine that the side
  • 12:50 --> 12:51effects are different,
  • 12:51 --> 12:52perhaps more local.
  • 12:52 --> 12:55Tell us about the side effects that
  • 12:55 --> 12:57patients who are undergoing therapies
  • 12:57 --> 12:59with these agents might face?
  • 13:00 --> 13:02That's a little bit surprising,
  • 13:02 --> 13:05but you have to remember before
  • 13:05 --> 13:07the tracer gets localized
  • 13:07 --> 13:09to the tissue of interest,
  • 13:09 --> 13:12it still stays for awhile in the blood and
  • 13:12 --> 13:15to some extent goes to the bone marrow.
  • 13:15 --> 13:18So unfortunately, even through the radio tracers,
  • 13:18 --> 13:20although we have less
  • 13:20 --> 13:23toxicity to the bone marrow,
  • 13:23 --> 13:26patient still can get bone marrow toxicity,
  • 13:26 --> 13:28which can drop their blood counts,
  • 13:28 --> 13:29although this is very,
  • 13:29 --> 13:31very less pronounced with
  • 13:31 --> 13:34radionuclide tracers than with the
  • 13:34 --> 13:36conventional chemotherapy and then
  • 13:36 --> 13:38other side effects are
  • 13:38 --> 13:40more dependent on how they
  • 13:40 --> 13:43are eliminated from the body.
  • 13:43 --> 13:44So for example,
  • 13:44 --> 13:47for NETs we worry about
  • 13:47 --> 13:49kidneys because that's where they
  • 13:49 --> 13:52accumulate a lot when we get they get
  • 13:52 --> 13:55eliminated or in let's say
  • 13:55 --> 13:58prostate cancer, we worry about
  • 13:58 --> 14:00GI tract because patients sometimes
  • 14:00 --> 14:03get GI side effects.
  • 14:03 --> 14:06So again, it's a degree of toxicity,
  • 14:06 --> 14:08but unfortunately pretty much
  • 14:08 --> 14:10every systemic treatment would,
  • 14:10 --> 14:12to some extent have a bone
  • 14:12 --> 14:13marrow side effect.
  • 14:13 --> 14:15Well we're going to take
  • 14:15 --> 14:17a short break for medical minute,
  • 14:17 --> 14:19and when we come back we'll talk a
  • 14:19 --> 14:22little bit more about some of your work
  • 14:22 --> 14:24looking at COVID-19 vaccine and its
  • 14:24 --> 14:26effect on PET scans. Please stay
  • 14:26 --> 14:29tuned to learn more with my guest
  • 14:29 --> 14:30Doctor Darko Pucar.
  • 14:31 --> 14:33Funding for Yale Cancer Answers
  • 14:33 --> 14:35comes from AstraZeneca, dedicated
  • 14:35 --> 14:37to advancing options and providing
  • 14:37 --> 14:39hope for people living with cancer.
  • 14:39 --> 14:43More information at AstraZeneca Dash
  • 14:45 --> 14:48The American Cancer Society estimates that
  • 14:48 --> 14:50over 200,000 cases of Melanoma will be
  • 14:50 --> 14:53diagnosed in the United States this year,
  • 14:53 --> 14:56with over 1000 patients in Connecticut alone.
  • 14:56 --> 14:58While Melanoma accounts for only
  • 14:58 --> 15:01about 1% of skin cancer cases,
  • 15:01 --> 15:04it causes the most skin cancer deaths,
  • 15:04 --> 15:05but when detected early,
  • 15:05 --> 15:08it is easily treated and highly curable.
  • 15:08 --> 15:10Clinical trials are currently underway
  • 15:10 --> 15:12at federally designated Comprehensive
  • 15:12 --> 15:14cancer centers such as Yale Cancer
  • 15:14 --> 15:17Center and at Smilow Cancer Hospital
  • 15:17 --> 15:19to test innovative new treatments
  • 15:19 --> 15:20for Melanoma.
  • 15:20 --> 15:22The goal of the specialized programs
  • 15:22 --> 15:24of research excellence and Skin
  • 15:24 --> 15:26Cancer Grant is to better understand
  • 15:26 --> 15:28the biology of skin cancer
  • 15:28 --> 15:29with a focus on discovering
  • 15:29 --> 15:32targets that will lead to improved
  • 15:32 --> 15:33diagnosis and treatment.
  • 15:33 --> 15:36More information is available at
  • 15:36 --> You're listening
  • 15:38 --> 15:41to Connecticut Public Radio.
  • 15:41 --> 15:41Welcome
  • 15:42 --> 15:44back to Yale Cancer Answers.
  • 15:44 --> 15:45This is doctor Anees Chagpar
  • 15:45 --> 15:46and I'm joined
  • 15:46 --> 15:48tonight by my guest Doctor
  • 15:48 --> 15:50Darko Pucar and we're talking
  • 15:50 --> 15:52about nuclear medicine and before
  • 15:52 --> 15:55the break we spent some time
  • 15:55 --> 15:57talking about the role that nuclear
  • 15:57 --> 15:59medicine plays both in diagnosis
  • 15:59 --> 16:02as well as potentially in the
  • 16:02 --> 16:04therapeutic management of cancer.
  • 16:04 --> 16:06But Doctor Pucar has
  • 16:06 --> 16:08done some interesting work
  • 16:08 --> 16:12looking at the impact of COVID-19
  • 16:12 --> 16:13Vaccine on PET scans.
  • 16:13 --> 16:16Darko, tell us a little bit
  • 16:16 --> 16:17more about that.
  • 16:17 --> 16:18Thank you for this question.
  • 16:18 --> 16:20This is actually something very
  • 16:20 --> 16:24exciting to myself and my team members
  • 16:24 --> 16:27because we kind of anticipated once
  • 16:27 --> 16:29the vaccine started rolling out that
  • 16:29 --> 16:32we're going to see some active lymph
  • 16:32 --> 16:35nodes at the site of vaccine injection.
  • 16:35 --> 16:38So if, let's say you would get
  • 16:38 --> 16:41injection in the left deltoid muscle,
  • 16:41 --> 16:43you are expected to get
  • 16:43 --> 16:44activity in the left armpit.
  • 16:44 --> 16:47We kinda knew that was going to
  • 16:47 --> 16:48happen because that was happening
  • 16:48 --> 16:52with influenza and since last fall
  • 16:52 --> 16:55influenza was given relatively rapidly
  • 16:55 --> 16:58because we are actually seeing
  • 16:58 --> 17:01for like a week or several weeks
  • 17:01 --> 17:04actually influenza active lymph nodes.
  • 17:04 --> 17:09So we were already prepared as soon as
  • 17:09 --> 17:11COVID vaccine rollout is expected to
  • 17:11 --> 17:13start collecting the data immediately.
  • 17:13 --> 17:15So we were collecting actually
  • 17:15 --> 17:18the data for all the patients that
  • 17:18 --> 17:21had a pet scan at Yale will first
  • 17:21 --> 17:23try to determine whether they had
  • 17:23 --> 17:24COVID vaccine or not,
  • 17:24 --> 17:26and then we'll assess whether
  • 17:26 --> 17:28they have active nodes or not.
  • 17:28 --> 17:31And in the beginning the collection
  • 17:31 --> 17:33was relatively easy because all
  • 17:33 --> 17:34the vaccines were administered at
  • 17:34 --> 17:37Yale so we could get a very precise
  • 17:37 --> 17:38understanding who had vaccine,
  • 17:38 --> 17:40who didn't and
  • 17:40 --> 17:42which type of the vaccine.
  • 17:43 --> 17:46So we have collected those data as
  • 17:46 --> 17:49quickly as possible and we published
  • 17:49 --> 17:52the JAMA article on 68
  • 17:52 --> 17:55patients that actually had vaccine,
  • 17:55 --> 17:57listing the frequency of positivity in
  • 17:57 --> 18:00Pfizer and Moderna vaccines,
  • 18:00 --> 18:03which is kind of useful to the
  • 18:03 --> 18:04practitioner as we'll discuss.
  • 18:04 --> 18:06So tell me more. What did
  • 18:06 --> 18:08you find and what happened?
  • 18:09 --> 18:12So basically the reason why we
  • 18:12 --> 18:15really wanted to know this is because
  • 18:15 --> 18:17these lymph nodes theoretically
  • 18:17 --> 18:19can mimic cancer, which would be
  • 18:19 --> 18:20like a false positive finding.
  • 18:20 --> 18:22Or they can mask cancer.
  • 18:22 --> 18:24If we think that these nodes from
  • 18:24 --> 18:27the vaccine but actually turn out
  • 18:27 --> 18:30to be nodes from the cancer.
  • 18:30 --> 18:33So in order to avoid the errors,
  • 18:33 --> 18:35we kind of need everyone to participate.
  • 18:35 --> 18:38Both the patients, the providers
  • 18:38 --> 18:41that are administering the vaccines,
  • 18:41 --> 18:43the oncologists and us in
  • 18:43 --> 18:45the nuclear medicine. So it
  • 18:45 --> 18:47is very important to know the date,
  • 18:47 --> 18:50the type and the dose and the
  • 18:50 --> 18:52site of vaccine administration.
  • 18:52 --> 18:56Also, it is very important to
  • 18:56 --> 18:58avoid administering the vaccine
  • 18:58 --> 19:01on the side where cancer might be.
  • 19:01 --> 19:02So, for example,
  • 19:02 --> 19:05if you have a right breast cancer,
  • 19:05 --> 19:06you shouldn't be getting vaccine
  • 19:06 --> 19:08in the right arm.
  • 19:08 --> 19:09You should be getting the vaccine
  • 19:09 --> 19:10in the left arm.
  • 19:10 --> 19:12Similarly for other cancers that
  • 19:12 --> 19:16will go to the axilla like Melanoma,
  • 19:16 --> 19:17for other cancers like lymphoma,
  • 19:17 --> 19:20it gets more complicated because
  • 19:20 --> 19:23they can go to different nodes,
  • 19:23 --> 19:25but it's important to see whether,
  • 19:25 --> 19:27for example, they had nodes
  • 19:27 --> 19:30in one versus the other armpit,
  • 19:30 --> 19:32to determine which arm,
  • 19:32 --> 19:34which side would be more safe
  • 19:34 --> 19:36to inject and for patients
  • 19:36 --> 19:39it is extremely important to tell
  • 19:39 --> 19:42their oncologist that they will be
  • 19:42 --> 19:45getting the vaccine if they have some
  • 19:45 --> 19:47of those cancers that I mentioned
  • 19:47 --> 19:49to tell the person who is giving
  • 19:49 --> 19:51the vaccine to avoid the side,
  • 19:51 --> 19:54which can be confusing.
  • 19:54 --> 19:57And when they get their PET questionnaire,
  • 19:57 --> 19:59which is like a survey that we
  • 19:59 --> 20:01administer prior to PET scan,
  • 20:01 --> 20:02and that's a good idea
  • 20:02 --> 20:05even if they didn't get the vaccine,
  • 20:08 --> 20:10they should ask to see the chart or in epic,
  • 20:10 --> 20:12but they should actually list if
  • 20:12 --> 20:14they have any acute symptoms.
  • 20:15 --> 20:16Especially something that
  • 20:16 --> 20:17looks like inflammation,
  • 20:18 --> 20:20and they also should provide information as to
  • 20:20 --> 20:22when did they get vaccine?
  • 20:22 --> 20:24What kind of vaccine,
  • 20:24 --> 20:26and in which side of the arm
  • 20:26 --> 20:29in left or the right?
  • 20:30 --> 20:33For example, our data have demonstrated that
  • 20:33 --> 20:36those reactive nodes that can either
  • 20:36 --> 20:39mimic or mask cancer and more commonly
  • 20:39 --> 20:42after second dose of the vaccine,
  • 20:42 --> 20:44then after the first dose of vaccine
  • 20:44 --> 20:46which you would kind of expect based
  • 20:46 --> 20:48on immunologic phenomenons
  • 20:48 --> 20:50that come with the vaccines.
  • 20:50 --> 20:52And we also found that they are a
  • 20:52 --> 20:53little bit more common with
  • 20:53 --> 20:55Moderna than with Pfizer vaccine.
  • 20:56 --> 20:59So how long does the
  • 20:59 --> 21:02effect last on the PET scan?
  • 21:02 --> 21:03So for example,
  • 21:03 --> 21:07let's say you got the vaccine today.
  • 21:07 --> 21:10How long after that would you
  • 21:10 --> 21:12anticipate that you would still
  • 21:12 --> 21:14be able to see those enlarged
  • 21:14 --> 21:17lymph nodes by pet after today?
  • 21:17 --> 21:20That's a great question. And actually,
  • 21:20 --> 21:22when we did our original article,
  • 21:22 --> 21:24we couldn't answer that question
  • 21:24 --> 21:27because we had relatively few patients.
  • 21:27 --> 21:28I cannot discuss
  • 21:28 --> 21:30too much because we have to finish
  • 21:30 --> 21:33the analysis, so I don't want to be giving
  • 21:33 --> 21:36statements ahead of the statistician,
  • 21:36 --> 21:38but based on our preliminary data
  • 21:38 --> 21:41now of several hundred patients,
  • 21:41 --> 21:45it seems that probably it would take
  • 21:45 --> 21:49at least several weeks
  • 21:49 --> 21:52for the vaccine effect to disappear,
  • 21:52 --> 21:53and it seems again,
  • 21:53 --> 21:55this is probably too early,
  • 21:57 --> 21:59the final word is that it lasts
  • 21:59 --> 22:01a little bit longer with Moderna than
  • 22:01 --> 22:01Pfizer.
  • 22:03 --> 22:06I think that some of the things that
  • 22:06 --> 22:08you're saying make intuitive sense, right?
  • 22:08 --> 22:12If you have a known right breast cancer
  • 22:12 --> 22:16or known right arm Melanoma there,
  • 22:16 --> 22:18getting an injection on that right
  • 22:18 --> 22:20side can certainly be confusing
  • 22:20 --> 22:23to a radiologist who's trying to
  • 22:23 --> 22:25interpret whether the lymph nodes
  • 22:25 --> 22:27look ugly because of the cancer
  • 22:27 --> 22:30or look ugly because of the vaccine.
  • 22:30 --> 22:31But the
  • 22:31 --> 22:32other point though,
  • 22:32 --> 22:35is that you may have gotten the
  • 22:35 --> 22:38shot without knowing that you also
  • 22:38 --> 22:40were going to develop a cancer
  • 22:40 --> 22:43and then find the cancer later,
  • 22:43 --> 22:46and so that's where things get a
  • 22:46 --> 22:49little bit tricky when one didn't
  • 22:49 --> 22:52know about the other diagnosis.
  • 22:53 --> 22:56That's absolutely right.
  • 22:56 --> 22:59However, most of the time when
  • 22:59 --> 23:02we do PET scans prior to actual
  • 23:02 --> 23:06diagnosis of cancer is for lung
  • 23:06 --> 23:09nodules and fortunately lung cancer
  • 23:09 --> 23:12very, very rarely goes to the armpit,
  • 23:12 --> 23:15so in that situation we'll know based on
  • 23:15 --> 23:18the expected distribution.
  • 23:18 --> 23:21It will be obviously more difficult
  • 23:21 --> 23:23if a patient eventually gets
  • 23:23 --> 23:25diagnosed with lymphoma.
  • 23:25 --> 23:28And then it could in some time
  • 23:28 --> 23:31there are unfortunately few cases
  • 23:31 --> 23:33that we couldn't really tell,
  • 23:33 --> 23:37but although it looks really ominous,
  • 23:37 --> 23:40it is a relatively small number of cases
  • 23:40 --> 23:43that after careful analysis that we
  • 23:43 --> 23:45cannot determine what's going on and
  • 23:45 --> 23:48those we'll have to closely follow up,
  • 23:48 --> 23:49obviously.
  • 23:49 --> 23:52So you know getting to the point of
  • 23:52 --> 23:54the people with lymphoma, for example,
  • 23:54 --> 23:56where you know it would be expected
  • 23:56 --> 23:59that you would have many enlarged lymph
  • 23:59 --> 24:03nodes trying to distinguish that versus
  • 24:03 --> 24:04response to a COVID
  • 24:04 --> 24:06vaccine must be pretty difficult.
  • 24:06 --> 24:08What kind of tools do you
  • 24:08 --> 24:10use as a nuclear medicine physician
  • 24:10 --> 24:13who interprets these scans to tell
  • 24:13 --> 24:15the difference one to the other?
  • 24:15 --> 24:18Or is this something that relies on a biopsy?
  • 24:19 --> 24:22I'm hoping that in most cases we
  • 24:22 --> 24:24really do not need the biopsy and
  • 24:24 --> 24:26we actually didn't comment on the result to
  • 24:26 --> 24:29biopsy
  • 24:29 --> 24:31because, for example,
  • 24:31 --> 24:34the activity after vaccine
  • 24:34 --> 24:37is usually not very, very high.
  • 24:37 --> 24:40So if patients have a disease like
  • 24:40 --> 24:43a diffuse large B cell lymphoma,
  • 24:43 --> 24:45those have very higher activity
  • 24:45 --> 24:48than it would be with the vaccine.
  • 24:51 --> 24:53The other thing is patients,
  • 24:53 --> 24:54for example,
  • 24:54 --> 24:56has disseminated disease.
  • 24:58 --> 25:00At that point, it may not be necessary
  • 25:00 --> 25:03to make a distinction for the axilla,
  • 25:03 --> 25:05because if they are in all
  • 25:05 --> 25:07other locations on the body,
  • 25:07 --> 25:09it won't change the management
  • 25:09 --> 25:11where I kind of see this could be
  • 25:11 --> 25:14really a problem if a patient has a
  • 25:14 --> 25:16so-called low grade lymphoma which
  • 25:16 --> 25:19do not have very high activity and
  • 25:19 --> 25:23we find isolated nodes in
  • 25:23 --> 25:26let's say bilateral axilla.
  • 25:26 --> 25:29So then it would be great,
  • 25:29 --> 25:30then we'll presume, I guess,
  • 25:30 --> 25:33in one axilla that is probably
  • 25:33 --> 25:34due to lymphoma,
  • 25:34 --> 25:35the one which is not injected.
  • 25:35 --> 25:38But the injected axilla
  • 25:38 --> 25:40probably won't know unless we
  • 25:40 --> 25:41as you said we do the biopsy
  • 25:42 --> 25:45and presumably you can tell
  • 25:45 --> 25:47the difference between enlarged
  • 25:47 --> 25:50lymph nodes that are due to benign
  • 25:50 --> 25:53conditions like sarcoid or other
  • 25:53 --> 25:55things versus the COVID vaccine on
  • 25:55 --> 25:57these PET scans. Is that right?
  • 25:59 --> 26:01In principle yes,
  • 26:01 --> 26:05because sarcoid would tend to be in the
  • 26:05 --> 26:08nodes around the heart industry.
  • 26:08 --> 26:11In the area that we call media Steinem.
  • 26:11 --> 26:12While the vaccine nodes
  • 26:12 --> 26:14would tend to be in armpit,
  • 26:14 --> 26:16although this differentiation
  • 26:16 --> 26:18again is not absolute.
  • 26:18 --> 26:24But since we still rarely image circulated,
  • 26:24 --> 26:27let's say independently from the cancer,
  • 26:27 --> 26:30that's way less common situation.
  • 26:30 --> 26:32That would happen really
  • 26:32 --> 26:34to be a diagnostic dilemma,
  • 26:35 --> 26:38and so now that we're kind of in the
  • 26:38 --> 26:41the scenario where you know people
  • 26:41 --> 26:44are now thinking about booster shots,
  • 26:44 --> 26:46do you think that that's going to
  • 26:46 --> 26:48cause even more of a conundrum?
  • 26:48 --> 26:51You saw that the lymph
  • 26:51 --> 26:54nodes were more reactive on pet after
  • 26:54 --> 26:57the second dose of the COVID vaccine.
  • 26:57 --> 26:59Do you think that's going to be
  • 26:59 --> 27:00the case after the third dose?
  • 27:01 --> 27:03Well, that's a very interesting question
  • 27:03 --> 27:06so far I have seen only two cases
  • 27:06 --> 27:09after the booster and one was active.
  • 27:09 --> 27:11The other was not active,
  • 27:11 --> 27:13but I didn't have dilemma because based on
  • 27:13 --> 27:15the other characteristics or cancers
  • 27:16 --> 27:17and knowing where the vaccine was,
  • 27:17 --> 27:20I was able to confidently say.
  • 27:20 --> 27:22But I would also want to bring
  • 27:22 --> 27:24another interesting point which we
  • 27:24 --> 27:26are actually going to investigate.
  • 27:28 --> 27:31We can view those nodes after
  • 27:31 --> 27:33vaccine as negative because it can
  • 27:33 --> 27:35create a diagnostic confusion,
  • 27:35 --> 27:38but we are also hoping to investigate
  • 27:38 --> 27:41whether activity of these nodes actually
  • 27:41 --> 27:44can predict the efficacy of the vaccines.
  • 27:44 --> 27:48And this is for example,
  • 27:48 --> 27:51there is an Israeli study
  • 27:51 --> 27:53and they showed that
  • 27:53 --> 27:56the activity in the nodes
  • 27:56 --> 27:58correlate with the level of anti
  • 27:58 --> 28:01spike which is that protein that is
  • 28:01 --> 28:04very important in COVID antibodies.
  • 28:04 --> 28:07So basically there was a correlation
  • 28:07 --> 28:09between activity in these nodes
  • 28:09 --> 28:13and antibody levels which in a way
  • 28:13 --> 28:15would reflect the potential level of
  • 28:15 --> 28:17protection that people would have.
  • 28:17 --> 28:20So maybe in the future we can not
  • 28:20 --> 28:24only be threatened by this phenomena,
  • 28:24 --> 28:25but maybe we can
  • 28:25 --> 28:27even use iy to predict what level of
  • 28:27 --> 28:29immunity cancer patients would achieve.
  • 28:30 --> 28:33Doctor Darko Pucar is an associate
  • 28:33 --> 28:35professor of radiology and biomedical
  • 28:35 --> 28:37imaging at the Yale School of Medicine.
  • 28:37 --> 28:39If you have questions,
  • 28:39 --> 28:41the addresses cancer answers at
  • 28:41 --> and past editions of the
  • 28:43 --> 28:45program are available in audio and
  • 28:45 --> 28:48written form at Yale Cancer Center Org.
  • 28:48 --> 28:50We hope you'll join us next week to
  • 28:50 --> 28:52learn more about the fight against
  • 28:52 --> 28:53cancer here on Connecticut Public
  • 28:53 --> 28:55radio funding for Yale Cancer
  • 28:55 --> 28:57Answers is provided by Smilow
  • 28:57 --> 28:59Cancer Hospital and AstraZeneca.