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Skin Cancer Awareness and Surgical Treatment Options


  • 00:00 --> 00:1000:10.900 --> 00:41.300 Welcome to Yale Cancer Answers with doctors Anees Chapgar and Steven Gore. I am Bruce Barber. Yale Cancer Answers features the latest information on cancer care by welcoming oncologists and specialists who are on the forefront of the battle to fight cancer. This week, it is a conversation about skin cancer with Dr. David Leffell. Dr. Leffell is the David P. Smith Professor of Dermatology and Professor of Surgery, and Dr. Chagpar is a Professor of Surgery at the Yale School of Medicine. 00:41.300 --> 00:52.300
  • 16:00 --> 16:11Medical Minute Support for Yale Cancer Answers comes from AstraZeneca, dedicated to advancing options and providing hope for people living with cancer. More information at 16:11.900 --> 16:56.400 This is a medical minute about lung cancer. More than 85% of lung cancer diagnoses are related to smoking and quitting even after decades of use can significantly reduce your risk of developing lung cancer. For lung cancer patients, clinical trails are currently underway to test innovative new treatments. Advances are being made by utilizing targeted therapies and immunotherapies, the BATTLE-2 trials aims to learn if a drug or combination of drugs based on personal biomarkers can help to control non-small cell lung cancer. More information is available at You are listening to Connecticut Public Radio. 16:56.400 --> 17:40.800