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50 Years of Cancer Progress: Radiation Oncology
- 00:00 --> 00:01Funding for Yale Cancer Answers
- 00:01 --> 00:03is provided by Smilow Cancer
- 00:03 --> 00:04Hospital.
- 00:06 --> 00:08Welcome to Yale Cancer Answers
- 00:08 --> 00:09with the director of the
- 00:09 --> 00:10Yale Cancer Center, doctor Eric
- 00:10 --> 00:11Winer.
- 00:11 --> 00:14Yale Cancer Answers features conversations
- 00:14 --> 00:15with oncologists and specialists
- 00:15 --> 00:17who are on the forefront
- 00:17 --> 00:17of the battle to fight
- 00:17 --> 00:18cancer.
- 00:19 --> 00:20This week, it's a conversation
- 00:20 --> 00:22about radiation oncology with doctor
- 00:22 --> 00:23Peter Glazer.
- 00:23 --> 00:25Doctor Glazer is the Robert
- 00:25 --> 00:26E. Hunter Professor of Therapeutic
- 00:27 --> 00:27Radiology
- 00:28 --> 00:30and Professor of Genetics and
- 00:30 --> 00:31chair of the department of
- 00:31 --> 00:33therapeutic radiology at the Yale
- 00:33 --> 00:34School of Medicine.
- 00:34 --> 00:35Here's doctor Winer.
- 00:36 --> 00:38Can you just tell us
- 00:38 --> 00:40a little bit about yourself?
- 00:40 --> 00:41How is it
- 00:41 --> 00:43that you came to be
- 00:43 --> 00:44a radiation oncologist?
- 00:45 --> 00:46I'm a
- 00:46 --> 00:48physician scientist with an MD
- 00:48 --> 00:50and a PhD in genetics,
- 00:50 --> 00:51and as you mentioned,
- 00:51 --> 00:53my medical specialty is in
- 00:53 --> 00:54radiation oncology.
- 00:56 --> 00:58And my research focuses on fundamental
- 00:58 --> 00:59cancer biology and
- 01:00 --> 01:01development of translational
- 01:02 --> 01:03research opportunities.
- 01:05 --> 01:06I got started in the
- 01:06 --> 01:08field because of a strong
- 01:08 --> 01:09clinical interest in oncology,
- 01:10 --> 01:11and in taking care of
- 01:11 --> 01:13cancer patients, and that was
- 01:13 --> 01:15coupled with a growing research
- 01:15 --> 01:16interest in the field of
- 01:16 --> 01:18DNA repair, which is how
- 01:18 --> 01:19cells fix their DNA.
- 01:20 --> 01:22And that's an important topic
- 01:22 --> 01:23in the field of radiation
- 01:23 --> 01:23oncology.
- 01:25 --> 01:26Can you just
- 01:27 --> 01:28tell us a little bit
- 01:28 --> 01:29about
- 01:29 --> 01:31radiation as a treatment,
- 01:32 --> 01:34both in terms of how
- 01:34 --> 01:35it's delivered, or
- 01:36 --> 01:38I should say the different
- 01:38 --> 01:39ways in which it can
- 01:39 --> 01:40be delivered.
- 01:41 --> 01:43And then we'll explore
- 01:43 --> 01:45some other aspects of radiation.
- 01:45 --> 01:47Sure. Radiation
- 01:47 --> 01:49oncology is the medical specialty
- 01:49 --> 01:51that uses focused x rays
- 01:51 --> 01:52to treat cancer
- 01:52 --> 01:53because of their ability to
- 01:53 --> 01:55kill cancer cells.
- 01:55 --> 01:57And early medical applications of
- 01:57 --> 01:59radiation were based on radioactive
- 01:59 --> 02:01materials like radium
- 02:01 --> 02:02that were discovered by
- 02:03 --> 02:05Marie Curie, because early on
- 02:05 --> 02:06it was found that radiation
- 02:06 --> 02:07causes tumors to shrink.
- 02:08 --> 02:10Later on, other isotopes like
- 02:10 --> 02:11cobalt, iridium,
- 02:12 --> 02:14and others were identified and
- 02:14 --> 02:14developed,
- 02:15 --> 02:15and some are used for
- 02:15 --> 02:17a type of treatment called
- 02:17 --> 02:19brachytherapy, which involves placement of
- 02:19 --> 02:19radioactive
- 02:20 --> 02:20sources
- 02:21 --> 02:23in close proximity to a
- 02:23 --> 02:24tumor as is frequently done
- 02:24 --> 02:26for cancers of
- 02:27 --> 02:28the gynecologic
- 02:29 --> 02:30tract in women.
- 02:31 --> 02:33So a device is actually
- 02:33 --> 02:34put in and it gives
- 02:34 --> 02:35off radiation
- 02:35 --> 02:36while it sits
- 02:37 --> 02:39essentially near or within somebody.
- 02:39 --> 02:40It dwells next to the tumor.
- 02:44 --> 02:46It's put in a
- 02:46 --> 02:48surgical procedure, and then it's
- 02:48 --> 02:49removed after a specified time.
- 02:51 --> 02:52And in some other
- 02:52 --> 02:54approaches, isotopes are
- 02:54 --> 02:57injected systemically for special applications
- 02:57 --> 02:59usually linked to a carrier
- 02:59 --> 03:00like an antibody.
- 03:02 --> 03:03When X rays were first
- 03:03 --> 03:05developed, it was known that
- 03:05 --> 03:06they could be generated by
- 03:06 --> 03:07cathode ray tubes, but
- 03:07 --> 03:08that was low energy and
- 03:08 --> 03:10had drawbacks. So after World
- 03:10 --> 03:12War II, a major advance
- 03:12 --> 03:14was the development of technology
- 03:14 --> 03:14to
- 03:15 --> 03:16accelerate electrons
- 03:17 --> 03:18at high voltage into a
- 03:18 --> 03:20medical target to
- 03:20 --> 03:22generate high energy x rays
- 03:22 --> 03:22or photons.
- 03:23 --> 03:24And that was the birth
- 03:24 --> 03:26of the linear accelerator or
- 03:26 --> 03:26LINAC.
- 03:27 --> 03:29And this allowed for treatment
- 03:29 --> 03:30of deep seated tumors in
- 03:30 --> 03:31the body with sparing of
- 03:32 --> 03:32superficial
- 03:32 --> 03:33tissues.
- 03:35 --> 03:35And it seems to me that
- 03:35 --> 03:37it was the case many
- 03:37 --> 03:38years ago
- 03:38 --> 03:41that radiation oncologists would take
- 03:41 --> 03:42an x-ray,
- 03:42 --> 03:44just a standard x-ray that
- 03:44 --> 03:46might show, for example, in
- 03:46 --> 03:46the chest
- 03:47 --> 03:48a lung cancer.
- 03:48 --> 03:49And
- 03:49 --> 03:51in what now seems like
- 03:51 --> 03:53a pretty crude manner,
- 03:54 --> 03:56they would just draw around
- 03:56 --> 03:57that tumor and then aim
- 03:57 --> 03:58the beam
- 03:59 --> 04:01at the tumor. Is that
- 04:02 --> 04:03basically right?
- 04:03 --> 04:04Yes, early on
- 04:05 --> 04:07the treatment machines were
- 04:07 --> 04:09were limited in
- 04:09 --> 04:11their ability to move and
- 04:11 --> 04:13to deliver shaped beams. So
- 04:13 --> 04:15most of the treatments were
- 04:15 --> 04:15from the front or the
- 04:15 --> 04:17back of the patient in
- 04:17 --> 04:17a simple
- 04:18 --> 04:18way.
- 04:19 --> 04:21And so we were guided
- 04:21 --> 04:22by what we kind of
- 04:22 --> 04:23refer to as two dimensional
- 04:23 --> 04:25imaging, which is those plain
- 04:25 --> 04:26film x rays.
- 04:27 --> 04:28But, one of
- 04:28 --> 04:29the major advances
- 04:30 --> 04:31in field has
- 04:31 --> 04:32been the use of advanced
- 04:33 --> 04:35imaging like CT scans, MRI
- 04:35 --> 04:36scans, or now even PET
- 04:36 --> 04:37scanning
- 04:37 --> 04:39to create three-dimensional images
- 04:39 --> 04:40of the tumor target.
- 04:41 --> 04:42And that's coupled with
- 04:43 --> 04:44many technological
- 04:44 --> 04:46advances in the linear accelerators
- 04:46 --> 04:47that allow
- 04:48 --> 04:50the delivery of very complex,
- 04:51 --> 04:53beam arrangements that really shape
- 04:53 --> 04:54the dose distribution in a
- 04:54 --> 04:55three-dimensional manner.
- 04:56 --> 04:58And my sense is that
- 04:58 --> 05:00by using those three-dimensional images
- 05:00 --> 05:02like CT scans and with
- 05:02 --> 05:04the changes in some of
- 05:04 --> 05:04your,
- 05:05 --> 05:07equipment that delivers radiation,
- 05:07 --> 05:08two things have happened.
- 05:08 --> 05:10The treatment is far more
- 05:10 --> 05:11effective,
- 05:11 --> 05:13and at the same time,
- 05:13 --> 05:15you can spare patients a
- 05:15 --> 05:16lot of the side effects
- 05:16 --> 05:17that used to be pretty
- 05:17 --> 05:17commonplace.
- 05:18 --> 05:20That's right. Because now we
- 05:20 --> 05:21can shape the dose distribution
- 05:22 --> 05:23a lot more conformally
- 05:23 --> 05:24to the tumor itself
- 05:25 --> 05:27and substantially reduce the dose
- 05:27 --> 05:28to surrounding tissues.
- 05:30 --> 05:32That's allowed us to deliver
- 05:32 --> 05:32the treatments
- 05:33 --> 05:35much more safely with less
- 05:35 --> 05:36side effects.
- 05:36 --> 05:38And in some cases, we
- 05:38 --> 05:39can give a higher dose
- 05:39 --> 05:41each day and reduce
- 05:41 --> 05:42the number of
- 05:43 --> 05:45days of treatment and that's
- 05:45 --> 05:45also a
- 05:45 --> 05:47benefit to patients.
- 05:47 --> 05:49Before we get into some
- 05:49 --> 05:50additional advances,
- 05:50 --> 05:52maybe you could just comment
- 05:52 --> 05:54on some of the myths
- 05:54 --> 05:56that people still carry around
- 05:57 --> 05:58about radiation.
- 05:59 --> 06:00You know, in
- 06:00 --> 06:01not such a different way
- 06:01 --> 06:02than with chemotherapy,
- 06:03 --> 06:03there are a lot of
- 06:03 --> 06:05patients who come see us
- 06:05 --> 06:08and have preconceived notions about
- 06:08 --> 06:10what these treatments are like
- 06:10 --> 06:11and will come in saying,
- 06:11 --> 06:12well, I'm never doing that
- 06:12 --> 06:13because
- 06:13 --> 06:15you know, my great aunt received
- 06:15 --> 06:18that and had some terrible
- 06:18 --> 06:18problems.
- 06:19 --> 06:21What are the specific
- 06:22 --> 06:22misunderstandings
- 06:23 --> 06:23about radiation?
- 06:24 --> 06:26Well, I think that
- 06:27 --> 06:27one is,
- 06:28 --> 06:29what we're alluding to before
- 06:29 --> 06:30is, you know,
- 06:31 --> 06:33historically, some people may remember
- 06:33 --> 06:33that
- 06:34 --> 06:35people treated with sort of
- 06:35 --> 06:37the older fashioned ways of
- 06:37 --> 06:38giving radiation developed
- 06:39 --> 06:40skin burns
- 06:41 --> 06:41that
- 06:43 --> 06:45were very challenging to treat
- 06:45 --> 06:46and to heal. But
- 06:47 --> 06:48the advances that we just
- 06:48 --> 06:49talked about in
- 06:50 --> 06:52delivery of radiation more deeply
- 06:52 --> 06:54into the body and sparing
- 06:54 --> 06:55the skin with shape beams,
- 06:57 --> 06:59has allowed us to substantially
- 06:59 --> 06:59avoid
- 07:00 --> 07:01the skin damage
- 07:02 --> 07:02and also
- 07:03 --> 07:04side effects to other
- 07:05 --> 07:05tissues.
- 07:08 --> 07:10And I'm not saying that doesn't sometimes
- 07:10 --> 07:11happen. There
- 07:11 --> 07:12can be some
- 07:13 --> 07:14side effects to the skin,
- 07:14 --> 07:15but it's much much
- 07:15 --> 07:17less than it used to be for
- 07:18 --> 07:19the skin and for
- 07:19 --> 07:21that matter, other organs too.
- 07:23 --> 07:24There is some
- 07:25 --> 07:26effect of radiation as it
- 07:26 --> 07:28passes through healthy tissue, and
- 07:28 --> 07:29sometimes that can lead to
- 07:30 --> 07:32some fatigue and temporary loss
- 07:32 --> 07:32of energy.
- 07:33 --> 07:35Sometimes, if patients are treated
- 07:35 --> 07:37in the area of the
- 07:37 --> 07:38head and neck, they may
- 07:38 --> 07:39develop dry mouth,
- 07:40 --> 07:41or if they're treated in
- 07:41 --> 07:43the GI tract, they may
- 07:43 --> 07:44have some symptoms
- 07:45 --> 07:47associated with that. But, usually
- 07:47 --> 07:48these symptoms fade over time.
- 07:49 --> 07:49What are some of the
- 07:49 --> 07:51most common uses of radiation?
- 07:52 --> 07:53About sixty percent of all
- 07:53 --> 07:54cancer patients
- 07:54 --> 07:56are treated with radiation and
- 07:57 --> 07:59many different types of tumors
- 07:59 --> 07:59are treated.
- 08:03 --> 08:05One very common treatment is for
- 08:05 --> 08:06cancers of the head and
- 08:06 --> 08:09neck where radiation is considered
- 08:09 --> 08:11a curative treatment often in
- 08:11 --> 08:12combination with chemotherapy.
- 08:13 --> 08:14We do a lot of
- 08:14 --> 08:16radiation treatments for breast cancer,
- 08:16 --> 08:17prostate cancer,
- 08:18 --> 08:18brain tumors,
- 08:19 --> 08:21and, tumors of the GI
- 08:21 --> 08:22tract. I mentioned
- 08:24 --> 08:25gynecologic
- 08:25 --> 08:25malignancies
- 08:26 --> 08:28where radiation is very effective
- 08:30 --> 08:31and routinely achieves
- 08:32 --> 08:33curative effect in many of
- 08:33 --> 08:34those scenarios.
- 08:34 --> 08:36And in some cases, these are
- 08:37 --> 08:39a substitute for
- 08:39 --> 08:41surgery, and in some cases,
- 08:41 --> 08:42it's done in conjunction with
- 08:42 --> 08:44surgery.
- 08:44 --> 08:45Radiation
- 08:46 --> 08:48is particularly effective for localized
- 08:48 --> 08:48disease
- 08:49 --> 08:50and can be an alternative
- 08:50 --> 08:52to surgery in some cases,
- 08:52 --> 08:55either because the individual is
- 08:55 --> 08:56not medically able to undergo an
- 08:58 --> 08:59operation,
- 09:00 --> 09:01or because the
- 09:03 --> 09:04morbidity or side effects
- 09:04 --> 09:06of getting radiation may actually be
- 09:07 --> 09:09more favorable than a surgical
- 09:09 --> 09:10intervention.
- 09:10 --> 09:12Not so many years ago
- 09:12 --> 09:14when someone would have cancer
- 09:14 --> 09:16that unfortunately would spread to
- 09:16 --> 09:17their brain,
- 09:18 --> 09:19they very commonly would
- 09:20 --> 09:20get radiation
- 09:21 --> 09:23to the entire brain, to
- 09:23 --> 09:25the whole head essentially.
- 09:26 --> 09:27And increasingly
- 09:27 --> 09:29over the years, it seems
- 09:29 --> 09:30that that's not the case,
- 09:30 --> 09:32and treatments that are
- 09:32 --> 09:34referred to as either
- 09:34 --> 09:35stereotactic
- 09:36 --> 09:36radiosurgery
- 09:36 --> 09:38or gamma knife
- 09:38 --> 09:40have been used and have
- 09:40 --> 09:41been very effective.
- 09:42 --> 09:42Can you tell us a
- 09:42 --> 09:44little bit about those treatments?
- 09:45 --> 09:47Yes, you're absolutely
- 09:47 --> 09:47right that
- 09:48 --> 09:49years ago for
- 09:50 --> 09:52metastases in the brain,
- 09:52 --> 09:53treatment would be given to
- 09:53 --> 09:54what we call the whole
- 09:54 --> 09:56brain, which is basically the
- 09:56 --> 09:56upper
- 09:57 --> 09:58part of the head through
- 09:58 --> 10:00and through. But the advances
- 10:00 --> 10:02that I was alluding to
- 10:02 --> 10:02in terms
- 10:03 --> 10:05of the technology, the treatment
- 10:05 --> 10:07machines, and also specialized devices
- 10:07 --> 10:08like the gamma knife,
- 10:09 --> 10:11allows very focused treatment of
- 10:11 --> 10:13individual metastatic lesions,
- 10:15 --> 10:17with really exquisite precision that
- 10:17 --> 10:17allow
- 10:18 --> 10:19a good deal of sparing
- 10:19 --> 10:22of the surrounding healthy brain.
- 10:22 --> 10:24So now it's pretty much
- 10:24 --> 10:25standard of care to
- 10:26 --> 10:26treat
- 10:27 --> 10:29the metastatic lesions fairly aggressively,
- 10:29 --> 10:31but with highly focused treatment.
- 10:32 --> 10:33And the Gamma Knife actually
- 10:33 --> 10:34is one of the best
- 10:34 --> 10:35devices to do that for
- 10:35 --> 10:37brain lesions because of its
- 10:37 --> 10:38high precision.
- 10:38 --> 10:40I mean, this has really
- 10:41 --> 10:41transformed
- 10:41 --> 10:43in many ways the treatment
- 10:43 --> 10:44of cancer that has spread
- 10:44 --> 10:45to the brain
- 10:46 --> 10:48and has allowed people to
- 10:48 --> 10:50live longer and at the
- 10:50 --> 10:52same time live much better.
- 10:54 --> 10:56And it's become especially important as systemic
- 10:56 --> 10:57therapies have improved.
- 10:58 --> 10:59So now we are taking
- 11:01 --> 11:02a more aggressive
- 11:02 --> 11:05approach to trying to
- 11:06 --> 11:08treat lesions in the brain
- 11:08 --> 11:10when the systemic disease can
- 11:10 --> 11:11be controlled by other approaches.
- 11:12 --> 11:13It seems that there are
- 11:13 --> 11:16even newer approaches, and you
- 11:16 --> 11:17have a new machine
- 11:18 --> 11:19that gives
- 11:19 --> 11:20guided radiation.
- 11:21 --> 11:22And maybe you can tell
- 11:22 --> 11:23us a little bit about
- 11:23 --> 11:24that, and what
- 11:25 --> 11:27kind of guidance is used?
- 11:29 --> 11:30This is along the lines of what
- 11:30 --> 11:32we call image guided therapy,
- 11:32 --> 11:34in which the linear
- 11:34 --> 11:36accelerators have an onboard imaging
- 11:36 --> 11:37device to help
- 11:38 --> 11:39us evaluate
- 11:40 --> 11:42and modify the treatment
- 11:42 --> 11:44at the time
- 11:44 --> 11:44the patient
- 11:46 --> 11:47is in the machine and
- 11:47 --> 11:49in some cases almost in
- 11:49 --> 11:50real time.
- 11:51 --> 11:53This approach started with CT
- 11:53 --> 11:55scan and MR scan,
- 11:56 --> 11:58included in Lenox, but this
- 11:58 --> 12:00new biologically guided therapy incorporates
- 12:00 --> 12:02a PET scanner or PET
- 12:02 --> 12:04imager in the device. NOTE Confidence: 0.9444651
- 12:04 --> 12:05A PET scanner image
- 12:06 --> 12:09positron emissions from radioactive tracers
- 12:10 --> 12:10that
- 12:11 --> 12:12accumulate in the tumor when
- 12:13 --> 12:13certain
- 12:13 --> 12:15compounds are given to the
- 12:15 --> 12:16patient ahead of time. And
- 12:16 --> 12:18that allows us to account
- 12:18 --> 12:20for the localization of the
- 12:20 --> 12:21tumor,
- 12:22 --> 12:24and also its motion within
- 12:24 --> 12:25the patient, and in some
- 12:25 --> 12:27cases depending on the tracer
- 12:27 --> 12:28we use on its biological
- 12:28 --> 12:29properties.
- 12:30 --> 12:31And then we can modify
- 12:32 --> 12:34the treatment, beamlets,
- 12:34 --> 12:36in real time based on
- 12:36 --> 12:38the positron emission pattern.
- 12:39 --> 12:40How much experience have
- 12:40 --> 12:41you had with this so far?
- 12:41 --> 12:43We've had it going
- 12:43 --> 12:45for about a year, and
- 12:46 --> 12:47actually, I think we have
- 12:47 --> 12:49one of the largest experiences
- 12:49 --> 12:50in the country with this.
- 12:50 --> 12:52So we're getting more familiar
- 12:52 --> 12:53with how to best
- 12:54 --> 12:56incorporate this technology into
- 12:56 --> 12:58our treatment of patients.
- 12:58 --> 13:00So it's really
- 13:01 --> 13:02taking the treatment even
- 13:03 --> 13:04a step further than you
- 13:04 --> 13:06would with just a CT
- 13:06 --> 13:07scan alone
- 13:07 --> 13:08because with
- 13:09 --> 13:10the PET part of that
- 13:10 --> 13:11imaging, you can tell much
- 13:11 --> 13:12more about what's going on
- 13:12 --> 13:14in the tumor.
- 13:14 --> 13:15It has a new dimension.
- 13:15 --> 13:17Right now, it's primarily
- 13:17 --> 13:19valuable for accounting for
- 13:19 --> 13:21motion, especially lesions in the
- 13:21 --> 13:22lung where you have breathing,
- 13:23 --> 13:25the breathing cycle that
- 13:25 --> 13:26causes motion.
- 13:26 --> 13:28But we think that down
- 13:28 --> 13:29the road, we will have
- 13:29 --> 13:31many other applications of the
- 13:31 --> 13:31technology.
- 13:32 --> 13:34Well, this is great. We're
- 13:34 --> 13:35gonna take a break for
- 13:35 --> 13:36just a minute. And when
- 13:36 --> 13:37we come back, we're gonna
- 13:37 --> 13:39talk a little more about
- 13:39 --> 13:41how radiation works, and then
- 13:41 --> 13:42we're gonna get into some
- 13:42 --> 13:44of the research you've done
- 13:44 --> 13:45related to that.
- 13:45 --> 13:47Support for Yale Cancer Answers
- 13:47 --> 13:49comes from Smilow Cancer Hospital,
- 13:49 --> 13:51where all patients have access
- 13:51 --> 13:53to cutting edge clinical trials
- 13:53 --> 13:55at several convenient locations throughout
- 13:55 --> 13:55the region.
- 13:56 --> 13:57To learn more, visit smilowcancer
- 13:58 --> 13:59hospital dot org.
- 14:01 --> 14:04The American Cancer Society estimates
- 14:04 --> 14:05that nearly one hundred and
- 14:05 --> 14:06fifty thousand people in the
- 14:06 --> 14:08U. S. will be diagnosed
- 14:08 --> 14:10with colorectal cancer this year
- 14:10 --> 14:10alone.
- 14:11 --> 14:13When detected early, colorectal cancer
- 14:13 --> 14:14is easily treated and highly
- 14:14 --> 14:15curable,
- 14:15 --> 14:16and men and women over
- 14:16 --> 14:18the age of forty five
- 14:18 --> 14:19should have regular colonoscopies
- 14:19 --> 14:21to screen for the disease.
- 14:21 --> 14:23Patients with colorectal cancer have
- 14:23 --> 14:25more hope than ever before,
- 14:25 --> 14:26thanks to increased access to
- 14:26 --> 14:29advanced therapies and specialized care.
- 14:30 --> 14:31Clinical trials are currently underway
- 14:31 --> 14:34at federally designated comprehensive cancer
- 14:34 --> 14:36centers, such as Yale Cancer
- 14:36 --> 14:37Center and Smilow Cancer
- 14:37 --> 14:38Hospital,
- 14:38 --> 14:40to test innovative new treatments
- 14:40 --> 14:41for colorectal cancer.
- 14:42 --> 14:44Tumor gene analysis has helped
- 14:44 --> 14:46improve management of colorectal cancer
- 14:46 --> 14:48by identifying the patients most
- 14:48 --> 14:50likely to benefit from chemotherapy
- 14:51 --> 14:53and newer targeted agents resulting
- 14:53 --> 14:55in more patient specific treatment.
- 14:56 --> 14:57More information is available at
- 14:57 --> 14:59yale cancer center dot org.
- 14:59 --> 15:01You're listening to Connecticut Public
- 15:01 --> 15:02Radio.
- 15:03 --> 15:04Good evening again. This is
- 15:04 --> 15:06Eric Winer with Yale Cancer
- 15:06 --> 15:08Answers, and I'm here tonight
- 15:08 --> 15:10with my guest,
- 15:10 --> 15:12doctor Peter Glazer,
- 15:12 --> 15:14who is a professor of
- 15:15 --> 15:17therapeutic radiology and a professor
- 15:17 --> 15:19of genetics here at Yale
- 15:19 --> 15:20School of Medicine and chair
- 15:21 --> 15:23of therapeutic radiology.
- 15:23 --> 15:24Can you tell us a
- 15:24 --> 15:25little bit
- 15:26 --> 15:26about
- 15:27 --> 15:28how it is that radiation
- 15:29 --> 15:31on a cellular
- 15:31 --> 15:31level
- 15:32 --> 15:34kills cancer cells? What does
- 15:34 --> 15:35it do that makes
- 15:35 --> 15:36them die?
- 15:38 --> 15:38The radiation
- 15:39 --> 15:40that we use
- 15:40 --> 15:42clinically to treat cancer is
- 15:42 --> 15:42sometimes
- 15:43 --> 15:43classified
- 15:44 --> 15:45as ionizing radiation
- 15:46 --> 15:48to differentiate it from other
- 15:48 --> 15:49forms of
- 15:50 --> 15:52radiation including photons, which is
- 15:52 --> 15:53visible light.
- 15:55 --> 15:56And what that means is
- 15:56 --> 15:59that the radiation, x-ray radiation
- 15:59 --> 16:01goes into cancer cells
- 16:02 --> 16:03and causes ionization of the
- 16:03 --> 16:04molecules
- 16:04 --> 16:06inside the cell, and that
- 16:06 --> 16:07leads to a lot of
- 16:07 --> 16:09chemical reactions that damage the
- 16:09 --> 16:09DNA.
- 16:10 --> 16:11So fundamentally,
- 16:11 --> 16:13radiation causes DNA damage in
- 16:13 --> 16:14cancer cells
- 16:15 --> 16:16and if we can provide
- 16:16 --> 16:18sufficient damage, the cells cannot
- 16:20 --> 16:22fix themselves well enough to
- 16:22 --> 16:22recover
- 16:22 --> 16:24and that leads to a
- 16:24 --> 16:26destruction of the tumor and
- 16:26 --> 16:27tumor regression.
- 16:27 --> 16:29And the DNA is essentially
- 16:30 --> 16:31the brain of the cancer cell?
- 16:31 --> 16:33Yes, DNA
- 16:33 --> 16:35as in all cells, has
- 16:35 --> 16:36the blueprint for how a
- 16:36 --> 16:37cell functions,
- 16:38 --> 16:39and DNA
- 16:40 --> 16:41leads to the production of
- 16:41 --> 16:43downstream molecules like RNA and
- 16:43 --> 16:45proteins. So if you get
- 16:45 --> 16:46the DNA, then you basically
- 16:46 --> 16:48block all cellular functions
- 16:49 --> 16:50and the ability of the
- 16:50 --> 16:50cell to survive.
- 16:51 --> 16:52Now one of the things
- 16:52 --> 16:53that
- 16:54 --> 16:55one hears as a doctor
- 16:55 --> 16:57from patients is the question,
- 16:57 --> 16:59well, doesn't radiation
- 16:59 --> 17:00cause cancer?
- 17:01 --> 17:02And I think people are
- 17:02 --> 17:03often thinking about
- 17:04 --> 17:06the fact that, you know,
- 17:06 --> 17:07repeated,
- 17:08 --> 17:11imaging studies are associated with
- 17:11 --> 17:12a very small increased risk
- 17:12 --> 17:14in cancer in certain circumstances.
- 17:15 --> 17:17Is that a question that
- 17:17 --> 17:18that all of you get
- 17:18 --> 17:20asked a fair amount?
- 17:20 --> 17:21Yes. We sometimes talk about
- 17:21 --> 17:23that with patients. I
- 17:23 --> 17:24I think that it, you
- 17:24 --> 17:26know, it is known that
- 17:26 --> 17:28there is a link between
- 17:28 --> 17:29radiation exposure and
- 17:30 --> 17:31developing malignancies.
- 17:32 --> 17:33I think this is one
- 17:33 --> 17:34of the
- 17:34 --> 17:35key reasons that we've worked
- 17:35 --> 17:37so hard to develop technologies
- 17:37 --> 17:39that focus the radiation
- 17:40 --> 17:41intensively on the tumor and
- 17:43 --> 17:44work to spare the healthy
- 17:44 --> 17:44tissue
- 17:45 --> 17:46as much as we can.
- 17:47 --> 17:49And, you know, we've studied
- 17:49 --> 17:50this a lot in the
- 17:50 --> 17:52field, and the risk of
- 17:53 --> 17:54secondary malignancies
- 17:54 --> 17:56is not zero, but it's
- 17:56 --> 17:57very low, especially for most
- 17:57 --> 17:58adult patients.
- 17:59 --> 18:00We worry a little bit
- 18:00 --> 18:01more about children, which is
- 18:01 --> 18:03one of the reasons that
- 18:03 --> 18:04we spend a lot
- 18:04 --> 18:06of time in developing treatment
- 18:06 --> 18:08approaches for children that are
- 18:08 --> 18:10very highly focused. And
- 18:10 --> 18:12one of the more recent,
- 18:12 --> 18:14two elements along those lines
- 18:14 --> 18:15is the use of proton
- 18:15 --> 18:16beam therapy,
- 18:16 --> 18:17which is
- 18:19 --> 18:21especially valuable for treating
- 18:21 --> 18:21children.
- 18:22 --> 18:22And,
- 18:23 --> 18:24there's gonna be a proton
- 18:24 --> 18:25beam facility
- 18:26 --> 18:26in Connecticut
- 18:27 --> 18:29in the not distant future
- 18:29 --> 18:30that we've been involved with.
- 18:30 --> 18:32Protons
- 18:33 --> 18:35are a type of ionizing
- 18:35 --> 18:36radiation, but instead of x
- 18:36 --> 18:37rays, they use
- 18:38 --> 18:40protons, which are a subatomic
- 18:40 --> 18:40particle,
- 18:41 --> 18:43which a machine
- 18:43 --> 18:45called a cyclotron will accelerate.
- 18:45 --> 18:46And the protons
- 18:47 --> 18:48also enter into the tissue,
- 18:48 --> 18:50but they have a special
- 18:50 --> 18:51property because
- 18:52 --> 18:53they're a particle with mass
- 18:53 --> 18:55that they enter tissue and
- 18:55 --> 18:57they stop suddenly to deposit
- 18:57 --> 18:58their dose.
- 18:58 --> 19:00And that lets us tailor the
- 19:02 --> 19:04delivery of the ionizing radiation
- 19:05 --> 19:06even better.
- 19:06 --> 19:07And,
- 19:07 --> 19:09we think that it has
- 19:09 --> 19:10some advantages.
- 19:10 --> 19:13But developing proton beam facilities
- 19:13 --> 19:14is not a simple endeavor.
- 19:14 --> 19:16It's much more expensive and
- 19:16 --> 19:17involved than
- 19:18 --> 19:19installing a regular LINAC.
- 19:20 --> 19:22And so there are not
- 19:22 --> 19:23many in the country,
- 19:23 --> 19:24and there is
- 19:24 --> 19:26not one in Connecticut right
- 19:26 --> 19:27now, but Yale New Haven
- 19:27 --> 19:29Health System and Hartford HealthCare
- 19:30 --> 19:30have partnered,
- 19:31 --> 19:33and we recently did the
- 19:33 --> 19:33groundbreaking to
- 19:35 --> 19:37advance a new proton beam
- 19:37 --> 19:37facility,
- 19:38 --> 19:39in the center of the
- 19:39 --> 19:40state that'll be
- 19:41 --> 19:42a resource for all of
- 19:42 --> 19:43the people in the region.
- 19:44 --> 19:45And the price tag for
- 19:45 --> 19:47these kinds of facilities is
- 19:47 --> 19:48in the
- 19:48 --> 19:50tens of millions of dollars.
- 19:52 --> 19:53You know, this one is
- 19:53 --> 19:54somewhere in the range of
- 19:54 --> 19:56seventy million all in with
- 19:56 --> 19:57all the construction and
- 19:58 --> 19:58equipment.
- 20:00 --> 20:01Can you
- 20:02 --> 20:03talk about some of your
- 20:03 --> 20:04research?
- 20:05 --> 20:05And
- 20:06 --> 20:07I know some of the
- 20:07 --> 20:08recent research has
- 20:09 --> 20:10related to the treatment of
- 20:12 --> 20:13what is
- 20:14 --> 20:16often thought of as
- 20:16 --> 20:18inherited breast cancer and other
- 20:18 --> 20:20cancers that
- 20:20 --> 20:21arise in the setting of
- 20:21 --> 20:22of BRCA
- 20:23 --> 20:23mutations.
- 20:25 --> 20:27But I know that your
- 20:27 --> 20:28research career stretches
- 20:29 --> 20:30pretty far back. And
- 20:31 --> 20:32what are some of the
- 20:32 --> 20:33things you've worked on over
- 20:33 --> 20:34the years? And then maybe
- 20:34 --> 20:36we can talk more about
- 20:36 --> 20:36BRCA.
- 20:37 --> 20:38Yes, I've
- 20:38 --> 20:40been interested in how
- 20:41 --> 20:43DNA repair pathways can influence
- 20:43 --> 20:44the development of cancer and
- 20:44 --> 20:45how they can be exploited
- 20:45 --> 20:46for treatment.
- 20:47 --> 20:48And you mentioned
- 20:48 --> 20:49the BRCA1
- 20:49 --> 20:50and BRCA2
- 20:52 --> 20:53genes which are linked
- 20:55 --> 20:56to a large extent to
- 20:56 --> 20:58breast and ovarian cancers.
- 21:00 --> 21:01And defects in those genes
- 21:01 --> 21:03lead to a deficiency in
- 21:03 --> 21:05a pathway of DNA repair
- 21:05 --> 21:07called homologous recombination.
- 21:08 --> 21:10We recently discovered that some
- 21:10 --> 21:12other genes that are seen
- 21:12 --> 21:13mutated in cancers
- 21:13 --> 21:15that are linked to abnormal
- 21:15 --> 21:16metabolism
- 21:17 --> 21:19also cause a defect in
- 21:19 --> 21:20the same DNA repair pathway
- 21:21 --> 21:23and we found unexpectedly
- 21:23 --> 21:24that they can be exploited
- 21:25 --> 21:26with
- 21:27 --> 21:27molecularly
- 21:28 --> 21:29targeted agents that
- 21:30 --> 21:31exploit related
- 21:32 --> 21:33DNA repair pathways.
- 21:34 --> 21:36And similar to the situation
- 21:36 --> 21:37with BRCA1 and BRCA2,
- 21:38 --> 21:39these genes include
- 21:40 --> 21:42genes with the names IDH1
- 21:42 --> 21:44and two, SDH and FH
- 21:44 --> 21:45and they're linked to
- 21:46 --> 21:49brain tumors, sarcomas, kidney cancers
- 21:49 --> 21:49and others.
- 21:51 --> 21:52Some of the strategy that
- 21:52 --> 21:53we and others have worked
- 21:53 --> 21:54on, you can think of
- 21:54 --> 21:56it like a traffic pattern
- 21:56 --> 21:57since you and I live
- 21:57 --> 21:58in Southern Connecticut.
- 21:59 --> 22:00If there's a big
- 22:00 --> 22:01crash on I-95
- 22:01 --> 22:02and you can't get where
- 22:02 --> 22:04you're going, you might think
- 22:04 --> 22:05of going to the Merritt
- 22:05 --> 22:05Parkway,
- 22:06 --> 22:07but we're using an agent
- 22:07 --> 22:08that blocks the Merritt Parkway,
- 22:08 --> 22:10so then you have nowhere
- 22:10 --> 22:10to go.
- 22:11 --> 22:13And so, we're taking that
- 22:13 --> 22:14kind of approach for these
- 22:14 --> 22:16genetically linked cancers.
- 22:17 --> 22:19And this is by developing
- 22:19 --> 22:19drugs?
- 22:20 --> 22:22Yeah. Drugs that target other
- 22:22 --> 22:23DNA repair pathways. So there's
- 22:23 --> 22:24a well known class of
- 22:24 --> 22:26drugs called PARP inhibitors.
- 22:26 --> 22:27We did not develop them,
- 22:27 --> 22:29but we're trying to find
- 22:29 --> 22:31new uses for them.
- 22:32 --> 22:33Another thing that we did
- 22:33 --> 22:35was, we found that agents
- 22:35 --> 22:36that inhibit
- 22:36 --> 22:37angiogenesis,
- 22:37 --> 22:39which means the development of
- 22:39 --> 22:40new blood vessels,
- 22:41 --> 22:43these can lead to reduced
- 22:43 --> 22:45oxygen in tumors, a situation
- 22:45 --> 22:46known as hypoxia.
- 22:47 --> 22:48And that,
- 22:48 --> 22:50we found, causes decreased DNA
- 22:50 --> 22:51repair,
- 22:51 --> 22:52and we can then exploit
- 22:53 --> 22:54that situation with some of
- 22:54 --> 22:55the agents I just talked
- 22:55 --> 22:56about.
- 22:56 --> 22:58And is there a role
- 22:58 --> 22:59for using radiation
- 22:59 --> 23:00in combination with some of
- 23:00 --> 23:02these therapies?
- 23:02 --> 23:03Yes, for sure.
- 23:03 --> 23:05Some of these DNA repair
- 23:05 --> 23:06inhibitors like PARP inhibitors,
- 23:07 --> 23:08and others that are in
- 23:08 --> 23:10clinical development, there's a number
- 23:10 --> 23:11of targeted agents,
- 23:12 --> 23:13that we and others are
- 23:13 --> 23:14working on to
- 23:15 --> 23:17inhibit repair pathways that are
- 23:17 --> 23:17important
- 23:18 --> 23:20to how the cancer cell
- 23:20 --> 23:21tries to fix
- 23:21 --> 23:23the type of DNA damage
- 23:23 --> 23:24the radiation causes.
- 23:25 --> 23:26And if I can just
- 23:26 --> 23:28explore one other combination that's
- 23:28 --> 23:30been talked about recently. So
- 23:31 --> 23:31immunotherapy,
- 23:32 --> 23:33of course, has become,
- 23:34 --> 23:36the treatment of the past
- 23:36 --> 23:38decade. It's used in
- 23:40 --> 23:41well over a dozen different
- 23:42 --> 23:43tumor types and can be
- 23:43 --> 23:44highly effective.
- 23:45 --> 23:47But there's some suggestion that
- 23:47 --> 23:49radiation could also augment the
- 23:49 --> 23:50effect of immunotherapy.
- 23:51 --> 23:53Yes. I think there's
- 23:53 --> 23:55a lot of intense study,
- 23:55 --> 23:57both basic science and in
- 23:57 --> 23:58the clinic, on how to
- 23:58 --> 24:00best combine radiation and immunotherapy.
- 24:01 --> 24:02Radiation can
- 24:03 --> 24:06elicit an inflamed response in
- 24:06 --> 24:06tumors that
- 24:08 --> 24:09synergizes
- 24:09 --> 24:10with the type of immune
- 24:10 --> 24:11response that
- 24:12 --> 24:14these immune checkpoint inhibitors will
- 24:14 --> 24:14provoke.
- 24:15 --> 24:17It is also thought
- 24:17 --> 24:19that radiation can cause the
- 24:19 --> 24:21release of tumor antigens and
- 24:21 --> 24:22sort of create an in
- 24:22 --> 24:24situ tumor vaccine, if you
- 24:24 --> 24:25will.
- 24:26 --> 24:28So, you know, in general,
- 24:28 --> 24:29it's thought that
- 24:30 --> 24:32radiation can enhance the effectiveness
- 24:32 --> 24:33of tumor
- 24:33 --> 24:35immune therapy and vice versa,
- 24:35 --> 24:37that immune therapy or immune
- 24:37 --> 24:39response will enhance the effect
- 24:39 --> 24:40of radiation.
- 24:41 --> 24:42Have you seen a
- 24:43 --> 24:44change in the
- 24:45 --> 24:45type of
- 24:46 --> 24:48medical student who goes into
- 24:49 --> 24:51radiation oncology today versus
- 24:52 --> 24:53twenty or thirty years ago?
- 24:54 --> 24:54It would seem to me
- 24:54 --> 24:55that a lot of these
- 24:55 --> 24:57people must be people who
- 24:57 --> 24:57are
- 24:59 --> 25:00interested in physics and interested
- 25:01 --> 25:03in science and
- 25:03 --> 25:04perhaps interested
- 25:05 --> 25:07in pursuing careers in research.
- 25:07 --> 25:08Yes. I think it's always
- 25:08 --> 25:10been a research friendly
- 25:11 --> 25:13specialty because there's a lot
- 25:13 --> 25:15of basic science, and cellular
- 25:15 --> 25:17biology to explore as well
- 25:17 --> 25:18as the physics and the
- 25:18 --> 25:19more technological
- 25:20 --> 25:20aspects.
- 25:21 --> 25:22I think that, you know,
- 25:22 --> 25:24years ago, it
- 25:24 --> 25:25was felt, well, maybe people
- 25:25 --> 25:26who had a little bit
- 25:26 --> 25:28more proclivity for physics might
- 25:28 --> 25:30go into the field. But
- 25:30 --> 25:31actually, I think the field
- 25:31 --> 25:31now
- 25:32 --> 25:33attracts,
- 25:33 --> 25:35people that like
- 25:36 --> 25:37advanced technology that we can
- 25:37 --> 25:38bring to bear, the image
- 25:38 --> 25:40guidance, the
- 25:40 --> 25:42treatment planning that, you know,
- 25:42 --> 25:43is very computerized and visual,
- 25:47 --> 25:48so I think it's expanded
- 25:48 --> 25:50the reach of people that
- 25:50 --> 25:50are
- 25:51 --> 25:52interested in the field. And
- 25:52 --> 25:53the other thing is I
- 25:53 --> 25:54think people have come to
- 25:54 --> 25:55know that
- 25:55 --> 25:57we're a very patient oriented
- 25:57 --> 25:57specialty,
- 25:58 --> 26:00just like your specialty medical
- 26:00 --> 26:02oncology. We're very patient facing,
- 26:03 --> 26:04and, we have longitudinal
- 26:05 --> 26:06relationships with our patients, and
- 26:06 --> 26:08I think that that attracts
- 26:08 --> 26:10the medical students as well.
- 26:10 --> 26:12Longitude and relationships with your
- 26:12 --> 26:13patients
- 26:13 --> 26:15and, of course, close relationships
- 26:15 --> 26:17with your colleagues since
- 26:17 --> 26:19in the care of patients
- 26:19 --> 26:20with cancer we
- 26:22 --> 26:24all work together since it
- 26:24 --> 26:24takes
- 26:25 --> 26:26far more than any one
- 26:26 --> 26:27discipline.
- 26:28 --> 26:29And as we
- 26:30 --> 26:31wrap up,
- 26:31 --> 26:32can you
- 26:33 --> 26:35speculate about where radiation
- 26:35 --> 26:36oncology
- 26:36 --> 26:38is going over the course
- 26:38 --> 26:39of the next
- 26:39 --> 26:41ten or twenty years?
- 26:42 --> 26:44What should we be looking for?
- 26:44 --> 26:45Well, I think that we're
- 26:45 --> 26:46gonna see a greater
- 26:46 --> 26:47ability to
- 26:48 --> 26:49achieve real time adjustments in
- 26:49 --> 26:50the treatment,
- 26:50 --> 26:52using some of these onboard
- 26:52 --> 26:54imaging technologies. And as the
- 26:55 --> 26:55software
- 26:56 --> 26:57and hardware improves
- 26:58 --> 26:59and we can incorporate things
- 26:59 --> 27:02like artificial intelligence to identify
- 27:02 --> 27:04the tumor targets, track how
- 27:04 --> 27:06they move and adjust radiation
- 27:06 --> 27:07treatments.
- 27:07 --> 27:09That's going to allow even
- 27:09 --> 27:10more precise
- 27:10 --> 27:11and tailored
- 27:11 --> 27:13radiation therapy for patients.
- 27:13 --> 27:14I think also we're going
- 27:14 --> 27:15to see more individualized
- 27:16 --> 27:17patient treatments based on clinical
- 27:17 --> 27:19and genetic characteristics
- 27:20 --> 27:22And, like we were alluding
- 27:22 --> 27:22to before,
- 27:23 --> 27:24I see the next five
- 27:24 --> 27:25or ten years,
- 27:25 --> 27:26that we will be able
- 27:26 --> 27:28to deploy new targeted biological
- 27:29 --> 27:30agents that sensitize tumors to
- 27:30 --> 27:31radiation
- 27:32 --> 27:32without
- 27:33 --> 27:35sensitizing healthy tissues. And,
- 27:36 --> 27:37for example, we're
- 27:37 --> 27:38working in the lab to
- 27:38 --> 27:39develop a class of peptide
- 27:39 --> 27:41drug conjugates that does just
- 27:41 --> 27:42that.
- 27:43 --> 27:44And the preclinical models look
- 27:44 --> 27:46encouraging, so hopefully that will
- 27:47 --> 27:48eventually make its way to
- 27:48 --> 27:50the clinic.
- 27:50 --> 27:51And not to set up a
- 27:51 --> 27:52competition with surgery, but do
- 27:52 --> 27:53you think these changes
- 27:54 --> 27:56will lead to fewer surgical
- 27:56 --> 27:56procedures
- 27:57 --> 27:58and more radiation?
- 27:59 --> 28:00Well, I think it
- 28:00 --> 28:02may change the balance for
- 28:02 --> 28:03certain tumors. I think I've
- 28:03 --> 28:05seen that the pendulum has
- 28:05 --> 28:06swung back and forth,
- 28:08 --> 28:10for different, types of tumors
- 28:10 --> 28:10where,
- 28:11 --> 28:13you know, radiation approaches,
- 28:14 --> 28:15are more favored and then
- 28:15 --> 28:17surgical. It really
- 28:17 --> 28:18depends. I mean, the surgeons
- 28:18 --> 28:19have been very good to
- 28:19 --> 28:21advance their technology to robotic
- 28:21 --> 28:24surgeries and minimally invasive surgeries.
- 28:24 --> 28:25So I think it's all
- 28:25 --> 28:26to the good for the
- 28:26 --> 28:27patients, and we'll just have
- 28:27 --> 28:29more choices for figuring out
- 28:29 --> 28:30the best treatments.
- 28:31 --> 28:32Doctor Peter Glazer is the
- 28:32 --> 28:34Robert E Hunter Professor of
- 28:34 --> 28:36Therapeutic Radiology and Professor of
- 28:36 --> 28:37Genetics and Chair of the
- 28:37 --> 28:39Department of Therapeutic Radiology at
- 28:39 --> 28:41the Yale School of Medicine.
- 28:41 --> 28:43If you have questions, the
- 28:43 --> 28:43address is canceranswers
- 28:44 --> 28:46at yale dot edu, and
- 28:46 --> 28:47past editions of the program
- 28:47 --> 28:48are available in audio and
- 28:48 --> 28:50written form at yalecancercenter
- 28:50 --> 28:52dot org. We hope you'll
- 28:52 --> 28:53join us next time to
- 28:53 --> 28:54learn more about the fight
- 28:54 --> 28:54against cancer.
- 28:55 --> 28:57Funding for Yale Cancer Answers
- 28:57 --> 28:58is provided by Smilow Cancer
- 28:58 --> 28:59Hospital.
50 Years of Cancer Progress: Radiation Oncology with guest Dr. Peter Glazer February 9, 2025
Yale Cancer Center
call: 203-785-4095
Dr. Peter GlazerTo Cite
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