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Cancer Causing Carcinogens in our Drinking Water


  • 00:00 --> 00:03Funding for Yale Cancer Answers is
  • 00:03 --> 00:06provided by Smilow Cancer Hospital.
  • 00:06 --> 00:08Welcome to Yale Cancer Answers
  • 00:08 --> 00:10with doctor Anees Chagpar.
  • 00:10 --> 00:12Yale Cancer Answers features the latest
  • 00:12 --> 00:14information on cancer care by welcoming
  • 00:14 --> 00:17oncologists and specialists who are on the
  • 00:17 --> 00:19forefront of the battle to fight cancer.
  • 00:19 --> 00:21This week, it's a conversation about
  • 00:21 --> 00:23research into carcinogens in our drinking
  • 00:23 --> 00:25water with Doctor Vasilis Vasiliou.
  • 00:25 --> 00:27Doctor Vasiliou is department chair
  • 00:27 --> 00:29and Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of
  • 00:29 --> 00:31Epidemiology and Environmental Health
  • 00:31 --> 00:33Sciences at the Yale School of Medicine,
  • 00:34 --> 00:35where Doctor Chagpar is a
  • 00:35 --> 00:37professor of surgical oncology.
  • 00:38 --> 00:40So maybe we can start off by you
  • 00:40 --> 00:42telling us a little bit more about
  • 00:42 --> 00:44yourself and what it is you do.
  • 00:44 --> 00:48Thank you very much. I'm by training
  • 00:48 --> 00:52an environmental toxicologist and we're
  • 00:52 --> 00:55looking for environmentally induced disease,
  • 00:55 --> 00:58which are conditions essentially caused
  • 00:58 --> 01:00or triggered by external factors.
  • 01:00 --> 01:03And this factor could
  • 01:03 --> 01:05include chemical or natural,
  • 01:05 --> 01:07as you said, water, biological,
  • 01:07 --> 01:10physical and psychological
  • 01:10 --> 01:12events that individuals are exposed
  • 01:12 --> 01:14to in their surroundings.
  • 01:16 --> 01:18One of the things that we have,
  • 01:18 --> 01:19launched is
  • 01:19 --> 01:21we have been awarded by the National
  • 01:21 --> 01:23Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • 01:23 --> 01:26to have the Yale Superfund Center,
  • 01:26 --> 01:28which is focused on what
  • 01:28 --> 01:31we call emerging contaminants
  • 01:32 --> 01:35and those are chemicals of concern
  • 01:35 --> 01:38that are not regulated by the
  • 01:38 --> 01:41federal or the state government and
  • 01:41 --> 01:43it could be present in our water.
  • 01:43 --> 01:46Now there are implications,
  • 01:46 --> 01:49there are health implications of the
  • 01:49 --> 01:51presence of these chemicals in our water.
  • 01:51 --> 01:52And this is what we're studying.
  • 01:52 --> 01:57We're trying to find if they are
  • 01:57 --> 01:59indeed causing issues in human health
  • 01:59 --> 02:02and how we can really mitigate those
  • 02:02 --> 02:04chemicals from our drinking water.
  • 02:06 --> 02:09That is really concerning.
  • 02:09 --> 02:11I'm sure
  • 02:11 --> 02:14everybody who is listening is very
  • 02:14 --> 02:16concerned about our drinking water.
  • 02:16 --> 02:19We tend to take it for granted
  • 02:19 --> 02:21that living in a first world nation,
  • 02:21 --> 02:24we have clean drinking water that
  • 02:24 --> 02:26certainly would not cause us harm.
  • 02:26 --> 02:29So the concept that there may be
  • 02:29 --> 02:32chemicals that may induce cancer in our
  • 02:32 --> 02:35drinking water is certainly concerning.
  • 02:35 --> 02:38So can you talk a little bit more
  • 02:38 --> 02:40about how you stumbled into this
  • 02:40 --> 02:43research and what you found so far?
  • 02:43 --> 02:47Does the public have a need to be concerned,
  • 02:47 --> 02:49particularly when you say that
  • 02:49 --> 02:51these are not regulated by our
  • 02:51 --> 02:53state or federal governments?
  • 02:53 --> 02:56Well the one that we are studying
  • 02:56 --> 02:59is a chemical called 1-4 dioxane,
  • 02:59 --> 03:02which is used as a stabilizer
  • 03:02 --> 03:04of other solvents.
  • 03:04 --> 03:06The problem with this chemical
  • 03:06 --> 03:08is it cannot be filtered and
  • 03:08 --> 03:11it's also can be found in our
  • 03:11 --> 03:14household items such as detergents, shampoos and so on,
  • 03:15 --> 03:18so eventually it'll end up into
  • 03:18 --> 03:20the water table and eventually
  • 03:20 --> 03:23can end up in our drinking water.
  • 03:23 --> 03:26That's the bad news.
  • 03:26 --> 03:28And the bad news also about
  • 03:28 --> 03:31this compound is what we call
  • 03:31 --> 03:33a possible human carcinogen,
  • 03:33 --> 03:35which means that there are studies
  • 03:35 --> 03:36in animals that confirm
  • 03:36 --> 03:38that this is carcinogens.
  • 03:38 --> 03:38However,
  • 03:38 --> 03:41there are not epidemiological
  • 03:41 --> 03:45studies to confirm that this
  • 03:45 --> 03:47chemical causes cancer in humans.
  • 03:47 --> 03:49So this is what we're trying
  • 03:49 --> 03:51to get an answer about.
  • 03:51 --> 03:54And so we're conducting studies in
  • 03:54 --> 03:58animal models to find the mechanism by
  • 03:58 --> 04:00which can cause cancer in the animals.
  • 04:00 --> 04:03So we can find ways to develop
  • 04:03 --> 04:06biomarkers for human exposures.
  • 04:06 --> 04:09And at the same time,
  • 04:09 --> 04:11especially with our center,
  • 04:11 --> 04:13we're trying to figure out if
  • 04:13 --> 04:15people are exposed to this.
  • 04:15 --> 04:18And for the
  • 04:18 --> 04:19area of Connecticut,
  • 04:19 --> 04:20actually we're very good today.
  • 04:20 --> 04:23We don't have that much of 1-4
  • 04:23 --> 04:24dioxide in the drinking water.
  • 04:24 --> 04:27I would say almost nothing.
  • 04:27 --> 04:27However,
  • 04:27 --> 04:30there are areas in United States
  • 04:30 --> 04:33that there are considerable levels
  • 04:33 --> 04:37of 1-4 dioxin in the drinking water.
  • 04:37 --> 04:40Now remember that this can
  • 04:40 --> 04:42be filtered only with expensive
  • 04:42 --> 04:45settings of what we called reverse
  • 04:45 --> 04:48osmosis which is really
  • 04:48 --> 04:50not affordable especially when
  • 04:50 --> 04:54people have wells and this systems
  • 04:54 --> 04:57cost between 6 and $10,000.
  • 04:57 --> 05:01So Long Island, for example, in
  • 05:01 --> 05:03New York and this an area
  • 05:03 --> 05:06that they had really high levels
  • 05:06 --> 05:081-4 dioxin in their waters.
  • 05:08 --> 05:08However,
  • 05:08 --> 05:10with all the efforts and this
  • 05:10 --> 05:12is why people should
  • 05:12 --> 05:15be feeling much better with the
  • 05:15 --> 05:17efforts of the state of New York,
  • 05:17 --> 05:20they have put big reverse
  • 05:20 --> 05:22osmosis on municipal wells where
  • 05:22 --> 05:25the public water comes from.
  • 05:25 --> 05:28So we have seen that in the last
  • 05:28 --> 05:30couple of years the water quality
  • 05:30 --> 05:32in the areas that used to be
  • 05:32 --> 05:35high levels of 1-4 dioxin is
  • 05:35 --> 05:37getting clean.
  • 05:37 --> 05:40But we still have other areas.
  • 05:40 --> 05:41For example,
  • 05:41 --> 05:43we have been contacted by Michigan,
  • 05:43 --> 05:46Ann Arbor,
  • 05:46 --> 05:48Florida, that they have areas that they still
  • 05:48 --> 05:50have really high levels of this chemical.
  • 05:50 --> 05:53Now the other thing I want
  • 05:53 --> 05:56to tell you is in addition to 1-4 dioxane,
  • 05:56 --> 05:58there are some other chemicals
  • 05:58 --> 05:59that everybody knows.
  • 05:59 --> 06:01You probably have heard
  • 06:01 --> 06:03of what we call the PFAS,
  • 06:03 --> 06:06the perfluorinated organic
  • 06:06 --> 06:09molecules that are present.
  • 06:09 --> 06:12These are man made chemicals
  • 06:12 --> 06:14that are
  • 06:14 --> 06:17present in your Teflon cookware
  • 06:17 --> 06:21and also on your clothing.
  • 06:21 --> 06:25And this has existed for many,
  • 06:25 --> 06:25many years.
  • 06:25 --> 06:28And the problem with these chemicals
  • 06:28 --> 06:31is they are very persistent in our body.
  • 06:31 --> 06:33So once they get to our body,
  • 06:33 --> 06:36it can be
  • 06:36 --> 06:40very difficult to be removed from our body.
  • 06:40 --> 06:42Actually the monumental thing
  • 06:42 --> 06:47is that about one week ago the EPA,
  • 06:47 --> 06:50the Environmental Protection Agency
  • 06:50 --> 06:54really put the regulatory issues for
  • 06:54 --> 06:56six of these compounds.
  • 06:56 --> 06:58However, the problem is there about 9000 of
  • 06:58 --> 07:01these compounds and this is a major issue.
  • 07:01 --> 07:03So in addition to 1-4 dioxin,
  • 07:03 --> 07:05you have the PFAS where they are
  • 07:05 --> 07:07just starting to be regulated.
  • 07:07 --> 07:10However, the PFAS they're everywhere.
  • 07:11 --> 07:14They are in Connecticut,
  • 07:14 --> 07:16throughout the United States,
  • 07:16 --> 07:18throughout the world.
  • 07:18 --> 07:22And this was because it was
  • 07:22 --> 07:25produced to generate fire resistant
  • 07:25 --> 07:27clothes,
  • 07:29 --> 07:31cookwares, and stuff like that.
  • 07:32 --> 07:37So just a few questions to kind of go
  • 07:37 --> 07:40over some of the things that you've told us.
  • 07:40 --> 07:45So if these PFAS, we know that
  • 07:45 --> 07:47they are carcinogenic, is that right?
  • 07:47 --> 07:49Yes, we do.
  • 07:50 --> 07:53And so if they're everywhere and they're
  • 07:53 --> 07:57very difficult to get out of your body,
  • 07:57 --> 08:00do you really think that in the short
  • 08:00 --> 08:03term there will be any impact in terms
  • 08:03 --> 08:05of regulation actually causing a
  • 08:05 --> 08:08reduction in cancer rates that are
  • 08:08 --> 08:10secondary to these PFAS molecules?
  • 08:10 --> 08:14Because, if I was exposed
  • 08:14 --> 08:17to PFAS using Teflon cookware
  • 08:17 --> 08:21in my younger years,
  • 08:21 --> 08:22and it's very difficult to get out of
  • 08:22 --> 08:24the body, is the damage already done?
  • 08:24 --> 08:26I mean, is there any hope?
  • 08:26 --> 08:29Well, there is plenty of hope actually.
  • 08:29 --> 08:33Remember that our body
  • 08:33 --> 08:35has a lot of mechanisms to bypass all
  • 08:35 --> 08:38these insults, the environmental insults,
  • 08:38 --> 08:40even at the genetic level, you can
  • 08:40 --> 08:43have the repair of your DNA and so on.
  • 08:43 --> 08:45So what we're trying to do, I mean,
  • 08:45 --> 08:46of course, and it's not only cancer,
  • 08:46 --> 08:48especially with the PFAS,
  • 08:48 --> 08:50there are a number of other
  • 08:50 --> 08:51issues that it could cause.
  • 08:51 --> 08:55And it's not only your Teflon cookware.
  • 08:55 --> 08:57It is also in the carpet.
  • 08:57 --> 08:59It is in the plastic that you put
  • 08:59 --> 09:04in the water and everything.
  • 09:04 --> 09:06We know that it causes disease.
  • 09:06 --> 09:09There's a lot of research going on right now.
  • 09:09 --> 09:11However, the good news about the PFAS,
  • 09:11 --> 09:14they can be filtered much
  • 09:14 --> 09:16easier than the 1-4 dioxane.
  • 09:16 --> 09:19So there are now a lot of
  • 09:19 --> 09:21filtering that is going on.
  • 09:21 --> 09:24But we still have a lot of PFAS
  • 09:24 --> 09:27in the area and
  • 09:27 --> 09:29it is the one thing that I
  • 09:29 --> 09:31would advise is
  • 09:31 --> 09:32filtering the water especially in
  • 09:32 --> 09:34the areas that you know have
  • 09:34 --> 09:36higher levels than
  • 09:36 --> 09:38what the maximum level
  • 09:38 --> 09:40recommended to be there.
  • 09:42 --> 09:45And with regards to the 1.4 dioxane,
  • 09:45 --> 09:49I mean, although the reverse osmosis
  • 09:49 --> 09:52equipment technology may be expensive,
  • 09:52 --> 09:54you mentioned 6 to $10,000,
  • 09:54 --> 09:56it seems to be a small price to
  • 09:56 --> 10:00pay if we know that it can
  • 10:00 --> 10:02eliminate a potential carcinogen.
  • 10:02 --> 10:05The question really is,
  • 10:05 --> 10:07do we know that it's a carcinogen?
  • 10:07 --> 10:08When you talk about,
  • 10:08 --> 10:10you know, animal studies,
  • 10:10 --> 10:12have there been epidemiologic
  • 10:12 --> 10:15studies that look at areas that
  • 10:15 --> 10:18have high levels of 1.4 dioxane
  • 10:18 --> 10:20versus low levels to see whether
  • 10:20 --> 10:23there's a difference in cancer
  • 10:23 --> 10:25rates according to that to
  • 10:25 --> 10:28give you at least a signal as to
  • 10:28 --> 10:30whether this is causing cancers?
  • 10:31 --> 10:31Excellent question.
  • 10:31 --> 10:34So to answer the first question, no,
  • 10:34 --> 10:36there are not epidemiological studies.
  • 10:36 --> 10:39This is why the EPA and the International
  • 10:39 --> 10:42Agency for Research on Cancer,
  • 10:42 --> 10:45they call it a probable human carcinogen.
  • 10:45 --> 10:49So our center is funded
  • 10:49 --> 10:52in order to identify the molecular
  • 10:52 --> 10:54mechanisms of causing cancer.
  • 10:54 --> 10:56The 2nd is exactly what you're
  • 10:56 --> 10:58saying and the basis of
  • 10:58 --> 11:00an epidemiological study is that we
  • 11:00 --> 11:02can find people that have
  • 11:02 --> 11:04been exposed to 1.4 dioxine.
  • 11:04 --> 11:06Then we can look at the history,
  • 11:06 --> 11:07we can look at the cancers.
  • 11:07 --> 11:10Then we can see if there is any
  • 11:10 --> 11:13association for what we're looking for.
  • 11:13 --> 11:16If there is any causation relationship
  • 11:16 --> 11:19between the exposures and the cancer.
  • 11:19 --> 11:22So the other thing that our center is
  • 11:22 --> 11:27funded for and as you said $10,000
  • 11:27 --> 11:28is a small price.
  • 11:28 --> 11:30But remember there are
  • 11:30 --> 11:31individual houses.
  • 11:31 --> 11:34Now for an individual house to
  • 11:34 --> 11:36just get a reverse osmosis for
  • 11:36 --> 11:39$10,000 might not be that easy.
  • 11:39 --> 11:40So what we're trying to do,
  • 11:40 --> 11:42and this is our engineers here
  • 11:42 --> 11:45from the school of engineering,
  • 11:45 --> 11:47is they were
  • 11:47 --> 11:50trying to develop small
  • 11:50 --> 11:53devices utilizing what we call
  • 11:53 --> 11:55advanced oxidation processes.
  • 11:55 --> 12:00And those could be very cheap devices
  • 12:00 --> 12:03that can purify individual tap water.
  • 12:03 --> 12:06And the other program that we
  • 12:06 --> 12:08have also with the our engineers
  • 12:08 --> 12:12is to develop sensors that we can
  • 12:12 --> 12:14detect the 1.4 dioxin in the water.
  • 12:16 --> 12:19It seems like the other idea,
  • 12:19 --> 12:23which you mentioned as well, is not to put the
  • 12:23 --> 12:26burden of the cost on individual households,
  • 12:26 --> 12:31but rather to manage it at municipal or
  • 12:31 --> 12:35state levels where
  • 12:35 --> 12:39before that water
  • 12:39 --> 12:43gets from the well or the dam or whatever
  • 12:43 --> 12:46to your tap that it goes through some
  • 12:46 --> 12:49reverse osmosis or filtering mechanism.
  • 12:49 --> 12:53So that the water that you get from the tap,
  • 12:53 --> 12:56you can be sure it is safe.
  • 12:56 --> 12:58And so it really is wonderful
  • 12:58 --> 13:01to hear that New York did that.
  • 13:01 --> 13:02And I suppose the other
  • 13:02 --> 13:03study you can do,
  • 13:03 --> 13:06although I suspect it would take more time,
  • 13:06 --> 13:10is to look at those cancer rates before and
  • 13:10 --> 13:13after they implemented that technology.
  • 13:13 --> 13:16Is that something that is being looked at?
  • 13:16 --> 13:17And are other states thinking
  • 13:17 --> 13:19about doing the same?
  • 13:19 --> 13:22Quite a few, not only for 1.4 dioxin,
  • 13:22 --> 13:24but also with the PFAS,
  • 13:24 --> 13:27which is a much, much bigger and
  • 13:27 --> 13:29broader event throughout the country.
  • 13:29 --> 13:32And they use a lot of filtration.
  • 13:32 --> 13:34Now, I have to assure you
  • 13:34 --> 13:35most of the public water,
  • 13:35 --> 13:36the dams and everything,
  • 13:36 --> 13:39they're very well controlled,
  • 13:39 --> 13:41they're watching them very well.
  • 13:41 --> 13:43The problem is when there is a
  • 13:43 --> 13:45big well, like in Long Island,
  • 13:45 --> 13:48the public water comes from these big wells.
  • 13:48 --> 13:49And as I said,
  • 13:49 --> 13:53the state of New York not only installed the
  • 13:53 --> 13:55reverse osmosis in all these
  • 13:55 --> 13:58sources of municipal water,
  • 13:58 --> 14:00but they did something which is very good.
  • 14:00 --> 14:02And I think more states now are
  • 14:02 --> 14:05going to follow in this legislation.
  • 14:05 --> 14:08So what New York did is
  • 14:08 --> 14:09as I told you before,
  • 14:09 --> 14:131-4 dioxin is either a component,
  • 14:13 --> 14:15or it could be byproduct
  • 14:15 --> 14:18in a lot of our household items.
  • 14:19 --> 14:24So the state of New York banned all those
  • 14:24 --> 14:27household items that do have 1-4 dioxin.
  • 14:27 --> 14:30So manufacturers now are
  • 14:30 --> 14:34obliged to have 1-4 dioxane free or
  • 14:34 --> 14:37generating 1-4 dioxane free products.
  • 14:37 --> 14:42So by that way you decrease the number of
  • 14:42 --> 14:461-4 dioxane that ends up in in your water.
  • 14:46 --> 14:48And as I told you before,
  • 14:48 --> 14:501-4 dioxane could be a discharge
  • 14:50 --> 14:53of a manufacturing into
  • 14:53 --> 14:56the river or a lake,
  • 14:56 --> 14:58but also it can come from
  • 14:58 --> 15:00our household items.
  • 15:01 --> 15:03Well, we are going to take a short
  • 15:03 --> 15:05break right now for a medical minute,
  • 15:05 --> 15:08but please stay tuned to learn more
  • 15:08 --> 15:10about cancer causing carcinogens in
  • 15:10 --> 15:12our drinking water with my guest,
  • 15:12 --> 15:13doctor Vasilis Vasiliou.
  • 15:14 --> 15:16Support for Yale Cancer Answers comes
  • 15:16 --> 15:18from Smilow Cancer Hospital where
  • 15:18 --> 15:20their Prostate and Urologic Cancers
  • 15:20 --> 15:23Program provides a multispecialty team
  • 15:23 --> 15:25dedicated to managing the diagnosis,
  • 15:25 --> 15:28evaluation, and treatment of bladder cancer.
  • 15:32 --> 15:34The American Cancer Society
  • 15:34 --> 15:37estimates that nearly 150,000 people
  • 15:37 --> 15:39in the US will be diagnosed with
  • 15:39 --> 15:41colorectal cancer this year alone.
  • 15:41 --> 15:42When detected early,
  • 15:42 --> 15:44colorectal cancer is easily
  • 15:44 --> 15:46treated and highly curable,
  • 15:46 --> 15:48and men and women over the age of 45
  • 15:48 --> 15:50should have regular colonoscopies
  • 15:50 --> 15:52to screen for the disease.
  • 15:52 --> 15:54Patients with colorectal cancer have
  • 15:54 --> 15:56more hope than ever before thanks
  • 15:56 --> 15:58to increased access to advanced
  • 15:58 --> 16:00therapies and specialized care.
  • 16:00 --> 16:02Clinical trials are currently
  • 16:02 --> 16:04underway at federally designated
  • 16:04 --> 16:06comprehensive cancer centers such
  • 16:06 --> 16:08as Yale Cancer Center and Smilow
  • 16:08 --> 16:10Cancer Hospital to test innovative
  • 16:10 --> 16:13new treatments for colorectal cancer.
  • 16:13 --> 16:15Tumor gene analysis has helped improve
  • 16:15 --> 16:17management of colorectal cancer
  • 16:17 --> 16:20by identifying the patient's most
  • 16:20 --> 16:22likely to benefit from chemotherapy
  • 16:22 --> 16:24and newer targeted agents,
  • 16:24 --> 16:26resulting in more patient specific treatment.
  • 16:26 --> 16:29More information is available
  • 16:29 --> 16:30at
  • 16:30 --> 16:32You're listening to Connecticut Public Radio.
  • 16:33 --> 16:35Welcome back to Yale Cancer Answers.
  • 16:35 --> 16:37This is Doctor Anees Chagpar and
  • 16:37 --> 16:39I'm joined tonight by my guest,
  • 16:39 --> 16:40Doctor Vasilis Vasiliou.
  • 16:40 --> 16:43We're talking about cancer causing
  • 16:43 --> 16:45carcinogens in our drinking water and
  • 16:45 --> 16:47right before the break,
  • 16:47 --> 16:49you had mentioned that New York
  • 16:49 --> 16:51State is actually doing a few
  • 16:51 --> 16:53things that are quite innovative to
  • 16:53 --> 16:55try to reduce the burden of these
  • 16:55 --> 16:57carcinogens in our drinking water.
  • 16:57 --> 17:01One was to establish reverse osmosis
  • 17:01 --> 17:05kind of at the source so that
  • 17:05 --> 17:07individual households don't need
  • 17:07 --> 17:10to worry about installing reverse
  • 17:10 --> 17:12osmosis machinery because the water
  • 17:12 --> 17:16has already gone through that process.
  • 17:16 --> 17:19But the second that you mentioned
  • 17:19 --> 17:22was banning some of the chemicals
  • 17:22 --> 17:24that actually caused these.
  • 17:24 --> 17:26So you had mentioned earlier that
  • 17:26 --> 17:29these may be found in household items,
  • 17:29 --> 17:31detergents, shampoos, etcetera.
  • 17:31 --> 17:35So if we reduce the burden of these
  • 17:35 --> 17:37chemicals in these household items,
  • 17:37 --> 17:40then less of it gets into the wastewater,
  • 17:40 --> 17:42less of it gets into the rivers,
  • 17:42 --> 17:45less of it actually ends up getting back
  • 17:45 --> 17:48to us in the form of our tap water.
  • 17:48 --> 17:52The question that I have for you,
  • 17:52 --> 17:54it's great New York is doing this,
  • 17:54 --> 17:57but we have a global economy,
  • 17:57 --> 18:00certainly a national economy where you know,
  • 18:00 --> 18:02you can buy things in Connecticut
  • 18:02 --> 18:05and live in New York or vice versa.
  • 18:05 --> 18:08So how effective is that going to be?
  • 18:08 --> 18:10And is this really something
  • 18:10 --> 18:14that should be a federal mandate,
  • 18:14 --> 18:16perhaps even a global mandate if we're
  • 18:16 --> 18:18going to get particular about it in
  • 18:18 --> 18:20terms of really having an effect on
  • 18:20 --> 18:23reducing these chemicals in the environment?
  • 18:24 --> 18:26That is a very good question, but
  • 18:26 --> 18:28I would say it's very difficult
  • 18:28 --> 18:30to address that because when
  • 18:30 --> 18:33you start talking for economical impacts
  • 18:33 --> 18:36and stuff like that is very difficult to
  • 18:36 --> 18:39regulate for different countries and so on.
  • 18:39 --> 18:43But I think many states are trying to
  • 18:43 --> 18:45mimic what New York State did,
  • 18:45 --> 18:48especially in the case of 1.4 dioxin.
  • 18:48 --> 18:50Also many of the states,
  • 18:50 --> 18:52at least in United States and
  • 18:52 --> 18:54actually maybeall over the world,
  • 18:54 --> 18:57they're very concerned about the PFAS.
  • 18:57 --> 18:59But there are some other chemicals
  • 18:59 --> 19:01that might be present in our water
  • 19:01 --> 19:03that could be of concern.
  • 19:03 --> 19:06And those are what we call
  • 19:06 --> 19:07the trichloromethanes
  • 19:07 --> 19:09which are formed as a byproduct of
  • 19:09 --> 19:11chlorine we use for disinfection
  • 19:11 --> 19:13to disinfect the water.
  • 19:13 --> 19:16And when chlorine reacts
  • 19:16 --> 19:17with organic matter,
  • 19:17 --> 19:21it creates a strike and trichloromethanes
  • 19:21 --> 19:24have been associated with
  • 19:24 --> 19:26increase risk of bladder cancer
  • 19:26 --> 19:28and possibly with colon cancer.
  • 19:29 --> 19:30In addition to that,
  • 19:30 --> 19:32remember that we also have arsenic
  • 19:32 --> 19:34contamination of the water.
  • 19:34 --> 19:36Now arsenic
  • 19:38 --> 19:40could be an environmental pollutant,
  • 19:40 --> 19:43but also it occurs naturally in some areas
  • 19:43 --> 19:47and it may contaminate the groundwater.
  • 19:47 --> 19:51So it is very important to monitor our water.
  • 20:00 --> 20:01Municipals are doing that.
  • 20:01 --> 20:02They're checking the quality
  • 20:02 --> 20:04of the drinking water.
  • 20:04 --> 20:07So they are protecting the people there.
  • 20:07 --> 20:11Now for the PFAS it starts to become federal
  • 20:11 --> 20:13law that there have to be limits on that.
  • 20:13 --> 20:15So they're going to follow on
  • 20:15 --> 20:17that particular limit as well.
  • 20:17 --> 20:20So reducing the exposure is 1,
  • 20:20 --> 20:22detecting the exposure is a second,
  • 20:22 --> 20:25and also mitigating the contaminants
  • 20:25 --> 20:28from our drinking water is the third.
  • 20:28 --> 20:31That's what everybody is trying to do.
  • 20:31 --> 20:33And I think we're going to have
  • 20:33 --> 20:35success and this is how we're going
  • 20:35 --> 20:37to promote a better well-being.
  • 20:38 --> 20:41The question that
  • 20:41 --> 20:44I have is for each of those three
  • 20:44 --> 20:46things is the responsibility,
  • 20:46 --> 20:50does that rest primarily with
  • 20:50 --> 20:52the individual household or with
  • 20:52 --> 20:54the state or federal government?
  • 20:54 --> 20:58In other words, should I be in my home,
  • 20:58 --> 21:01you know, testing my water and
  • 21:01 --> 21:04should I be installing filters
  • 21:04 --> 21:07and or drinking filtered water?
  • 21:07 --> 21:09I mean, there's a whole issue
  • 21:09 --> 21:11about bottled water and the plastic
  • 21:11 --> 21:13contaminants that that causes.
  • 21:13 --> 21:15Or is this really something that should
  • 21:15 --> 21:18be at the state or federal level,
  • 21:18 --> 21:22or municipality level even where the
  • 21:22 --> 21:25government will assure the quality
  • 21:25 --> 21:29of the water, they'll do the testing,
  • 21:29 --> 21:31they'll do the filtering, etcetera.
  • 21:31 --> 21:33So that
  • 21:33 --> 21:35I can know that the water that's
  • 21:35 --> 21:37coming out of my tap is safe to drink.
  • 21:37 --> 21:39And shouldn't that be part of
  • 21:39 --> 21:41what we all pay taxes for?
  • 21:41 --> 21:44It is, and you're
  • 21:44 --> 21:46talking about the public water.
  • 21:46 --> 21:49So yes, municipal, state and everything.
  • 21:49 --> 21:51They're responsible for checking the water,
  • 21:51 --> 21:52for cleaning the water and
  • 21:52 --> 21:54they're doing a very good job to
  • 21:54 --> 21:56the extent that they can.
  • 21:56 --> 21:59Now the problem is with private wells.
  • 21:59 --> 22:00In private wells, as you know,
  • 22:00 --> 22:05they're not under federal regulations,
  • 22:05 --> 22:07they're not under state regulations.
  • 22:07 --> 22:10So it's up to the people that they have their
  • 22:10 --> 22:13private wells to check their water level.
  • 22:13 --> 22:13And for example,
  • 22:13 --> 22:16I can tell you some of the houses
  • 22:16 --> 22:18that we have in Madison
  • 22:18 --> 22:20that might have radon also
  • 22:20 --> 22:23in their drinking water, or uranium,
  • 22:23 --> 22:24it's naturally occurring things.
  • 22:24 --> 22:27So it is up to the individuals that
  • 22:27 --> 22:30they have the households
  • 22:30 --> 22:32that they have the private wells checked.
  • 22:38 --> 22:40So that at least makes me feel
  • 22:40 --> 22:44better in the sense that those who do get
  • 22:44 --> 22:46their drinking water from public sources,
  • 22:46 --> 22:49what you're telling me is essentially that
  • 22:49 --> 22:52if you get your water from a public source,
  • 22:52 --> 22:54you should be safe from these carcinogens.
  • 22:54 --> 22:57And that really the word to the wise
  • 22:57 --> 22:59is for people who get their water
  • 22:59 --> 23:02from private well water that they
  • 23:02 --> 23:04need to take those extra steps to
  • 23:04 --> 23:07make sure that they're drinking clean
  • 23:07 --> 23:09and safe and healthy water.
  • 23:09 --> 23:10Is that right?
  • 23:10 --> 23:12Yes, it is. Yes. You said
  • 23:12 --> 23:13it right very correctly.
  • 23:13 --> 23:15The other question that I have,
  • 23:15 --> 23:16you mentioned that the
  • 23:16 --> 23:17states are all doing
  • 23:17 --> 23:20a very good job in terms of detecting
  • 23:20 --> 23:23these carcinogens and purifying.
  • 23:23 --> 23:26Yet you mentioned that not all
  • 23:26 --> 23:29states have invested in things like
  • 23:29 --> 23:31reverse osmosis like New York has.
  • 23:32 --> 23:34And I would think,
  • 23:34 --> 23:36and this is just a guess,
  • 23:36 --> 23:38that the efforts that individual states
  • 23:38 --> 23:41may take in terms of the investment
  • 23:41 --> 23:44that they're going to make in terms
  • 23:44 --> 23:47of clean water may also be different,
  • 23:47 --> 23:49perhaps along political lines.
  • 23:49 --> 23:51So, you know,
  • 23:51 --> 23:56is drinking water in a red state like Texas,
  • 23:56 --> 23:58for example,
  • 23:58 --> 24:01can we be assured that that water
  • 24:01 --> 24:03is just as safe as drinking water
  • 24:03 --> 24:06from a blue state like New York?
  • 24:06 --> 24:08I think what it comes
  • 24:08 --> 24:10down to it's not opinion,
  • 24:10 --> 24:12it's not blue or red state
  • 24:12 --> 24:14if there is a contamination.
  • 24:14 --> 24:16For example, in Florida,
  • 24:16 --> 24:18there was a factory which was the
  • 24:18 --> 24:20contaminating source,
  • 24:20 --> 24:23in the water in the lake and everything.
  • 24:23 --> 24:26So the federal
  • 24:26 --> 24:29regulation is if you contaminate,
  • 24:29 --> 24:32you're responsible to clean the area.
  • 24:32 --> 24:34So the federal agency makes the
  • 24:34 --> 24:38company pay for getting all the
  • 24:38 --> 24:41chemicals secured out of the
  • 24:41 --> 24:42environment and
  • 24:42 --> 24:43protecting the people.
  • 24:43 --> 24:47So I think what the states are trying to do,
  • 24:47 --> 24:51especially the EPA,
  • 24:51 --> 24:54is trying to force all these rules
  • 24:54 --> 24:56and is doing a very good job
  • 24:56 --> 24:57in terms of that.
  • 24:57 --> 24:58Now you're going to have cases
  • 24:58 --> 25:00that you have a little bit more
  • 25:00 --> 25:02contamination there that it's up to the
  • 25:02 --> 25:04municipalities and
  • 25:04 --> 25:05everything to follow up.
  • 25:05 --> 25:08And I can assure you with my experience,
  • 25:08 --> 25:11especially with Florida and Ann Arbor,
  • 25:11 --> 25:14there are people working both from the
  • 25:14 --> 25:17communities also with the EPA,
  • 25:17 --> 25:19the Environmental Protection Agency,
  • 25:19 --> 25:23and also the state regulators
  • 25:23 --> 25:26to have safe drinking water.
  • 25:27 --> 25:28Yeah. It would seem to me,
  • 25:28 --> 25:30however, that
  • 25:30 --> 25:32particularly with the ubiquity
  • 25:32 --> 25:33of these chemicals, right.
  • 25:33 --> 25:36They're in shampoo, they're in Teflon,
  • 25:36 --> 25:37they're in detergents,
  • 25:37 --> 25:39they're in carpet, they're in clothing.
  • 25:39 --> 25:41It's going to be very difficult
  • 25:41 --> 25:43to identify particular companies
  • 25:43 --> 25:46that you can say you're responsible
  • 25:46 --> 25:48for contaminating this water,
  • 25:48 --> 25:50therefore you need to pay
  • 25:50 --> 25:52to clean this up.
  • 25:52 --> 25:55It seems like it's kind
  • 25:55 --> 25:57of a ubiquitous fed accompli.
  • 25:59 --> 26:02Yes and no.
  • 26:05 --> 26:08If you look at all the literature
  • 26:08 --> 26:11lately or the news,
  • 26:11 --> 26:153M and DuPont are paying big dollars
  • 26:15 --> 26:18to purify the waters from the PFAS all
  • 26:18 --> 26:21over the country and also in Florida,
  • 26:21 --> 26:23for example,
  • 26:23 --> 26:25once you find the company
  • 26:25 --> 26:27that has caused the contamination,
  • 26:27 --> 26:28then they're responsible to clean it up.
  • 26:29 --> 26:31So yes, it does occur.
  • 26:32 --> 26:35Yeah, you would hope
  • 26:35 --> 26:39that that would be enough of a
  • 26:39 --> 26:41deterrent for companies to do
  • 26:41 --> 26:43their own self regulation
  • 26:43 --> 26:46and reduce the quantity of these
  • 26:46 --> 26:48chemicals that they're producing.
  • 26:48 --> 26:51Although it seems like New York felt that
  • 26:51 --> 26:54a ban was actually needed as well.
  • 26:54 --> 26:57Yes, yes, indeed.
  • 26:57 --> 27:00Now you had mentioned during the break
  • 27:00 --> 27:03that some of these ideas were
  • 27:03 --> 27:05particularly relevant for firefighters.
  • 27:05 --> 27:06Can you tell us a
  • 27:06 --> 27:07little bit more about that?
  • 27:07 --> 27:09Yes, firefighters are exposed
  • 27:11 --> 27:13to several chemicals including
  • 27:13 --> 27:15polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
  • 27:15 --> 27:18benzene, formaldehyde, asbestos,
  • 27:18 --> 27:21chloroform, vinyl chloride.
  • 27:21 --> 27:25But most importantly also they're
  • 27:25 --> 27:27using this what we call AFFF
  • 27:27 --> 27:30which is known
  • 27:30 --> 27:32as the IQUS in firefighting foams.
  • 27:32 --> 27:35This is the one that they use to try to put
  • 27:35 --> 27:39the fire down. And this is all PFAS.
  • 27:39 --> 27:41And the studies have shown
  • 27:41 --> 27:44so far that the firefighters have
  • 27:44 --> 27:46significantly elevated PFAS in their
  • 27:46 --> 27:48blood compared to
  • 27:48 --> 27:49the other populations.
  • 27:49 --> 27:52Now we all have PFAS in our blood
  • 27:52 --> 27:54because we're all exposed to the PFAS.
  • 27:54 --> 27:55That doesn't mean that we're
  • 27:55 --> 27:56going to get sick,
  • 27:56 --> 27:59but the firefighters have a little bit
  • 27:59 --> 28:02higher levels and this is a concern.
  • 28:02 --> 28:03However,
  • 28:03 --> 28:06there is no epidemiological study yet,
  • 28:06 --> 28:08although we say it may increase the
  • 28:08 --> 28:10risk of cancer for these people,
  • 28:10 --> 28:12but there are not epidemiological
  • 28:12 --> 28:13studies to confirm that.
  • 28:13 --> 28:17So everything is on the risk idea.
  • 28:17 --> 28:19And for the firefighters,
  • 28:19 --> 28:22it's very important to have
  • 28:22 --> 28:24this protective gear that they will
  • 28:25 --> 28:27breathe clean air and
  • 28:27 --> 28:29be protected from the exposure
  • 28:29 --> 28:30to these chemicals.
  • 28:31 --> 28:33Dr. Vasilis Vasiliou is department chair
  • 28:33 --> 28:35and Susan Dwight Bliss professor of
  • 28:35 --> 28:37epidemiology and environmental Health
  • 28:37 --> 28:40Sciences at the Yale School of Medicine.
  • 28:40 --> 28:42If you have questions,
  • 28:42 --> 28:44the address is
  • 28:44 --> 28:47and past editions of the program
  • 28:47 --> 28:49are available in audio and written
  • 28:49 --> 28:50form at
  • 28:50 --> 28:53We hope you'll join us next time to learn
  • 28:53 --> 28:55more about the fight against cancer.
  • 28:55 --> 28:57Funding for Yale Cancer Answers is
  • 28:57 --> 29:00provided by Smilow Cancer Hospital.