Fertility Center
Patients seek us out when they encounter obstacles on their journey toward parenthood. Our Fertility Center offers a host of treatment options to individuals and couples who experience infertility or who need third-party assistance to have a baby.
Our clinicians work with couples who experience infertility, as well as same-sex couples, individuals without partners, and transgender individuals. They also offer fertility preservation techniques to cancer patients and others who wish to put off pregnancy until the future, so that they may preserve their chances of one day having a baby using their own sperm or eggs.
Our clinicians provide empathetic care while learning about each patient’s circumstances. They then tailor each patient’s treatment plan to suit their specific situation. Individualizing their care increases each patient’s chances of achieving their goal of parenthood. We offer several convenient locations, including a facility at Yale West Campus in Orange, Connecticut, that offers free parking.
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At the Fertility Center, our physicians, staff, and scientists all share our patients’ dreams of expanding their families. Our team of reproductive endocrinologists includes some of the world’s foremost experts on in vitro fertilization (IVF), fertility preservation, endometriosis, and recurrent pregnancy loss. We’re also one of the few fertility centers in the U.S. to have a reproductive specialist with dual training in both male and female infertility.
All registered nurses at the Fertility Center have received specialized training in IVF through the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Our team of financial coordinators works with patients to help them figure out how their health insurance covers costs relating to fertility treatments. They inform patients about this important information before anyone commits to undergoing any procedures, so that patients don’t receive unexpected fees.
Coping with infertility may feel isolating at times, but our team of clinicians and staff will be there alongside you, providing you with support as well as treatment strategies. We do everything we can to help you get closer to realizing your goal of becoming a parent.
Fertility Center success rate summary:
- Approximately 79% of new patients under age 35 achieve successful pregnancies after undergoing IVF.
- For new patients ages 35-37, the live birth rate is approximately 67.6%.
- For new patients ages 38-40, the live birth rate is approximately 46%.