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Preoperative Silicone Ointment and Wound Healing

  • Study HIC#:2000033013
  • Last Updated:02/02/2024

Optimal scar healing is of great importance to patients, especially following surgery of the head and neck. This study evaluates the effectiveness of preoperative silicone ointment in wound healing in head and neck surgeries.

  • Age18 years and older
  • GenderBoth

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Trial Purpose and Description

Optimal scar healing is of great importance to patients, especially following surgery of the head and neck. This study evaluates the effectiveness of preoperative silicone ointment in wound healing in head and neck surgeries.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Scheduled to undergo non-emergent surgery of the head and/or neck for a benign (non-cancerous) condition
  • Able to comply with all study procedures for the duration of the study
  • Provision of signed and dated informed consent form

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Current use of products intended to improve scar healing (silicone or otherwise); skincare products not specifically marketed for scar healing are acceptable
  • Known allergic reactions to components of the silicone ointment
  • Dermatologic conditions that disrupt the integrity of the skin, e.g. severe acne, psoriasis
  • Need for tracheostomy postoperatively
  • Have any form of active malignancy at the time of surgery
  • Have a history of radiation involving the surgical site
  • Current use of chronic steroids or other immunosuppressive medications
  • Lack of decision-making capacity
  • Not fluent in English

Principal Investigator


For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: