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Characterization of Immune Response to Intradermal Flu Vaccination

  • Study HIC#:2000035891
  • Last Updated:07/23/2024

If you are 18-40 years old and are in good health, you may be eligible to participate in a free and confidential research study investigating how our immune system responds to flu vaccine administered into the skin.

If you enroll, you would be asked to come to the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) clinic located at 2 Church Street S #401, New Haven, CT, for up to 8 visits, as well as the YCCI Hospital Research Unit (10th floor of East Pavilion, Yale New Haven Hospital) for 1-2 visits. You will be randomly assigned to receive the flu vaccine or a saline (water) control. The visits include asking questions about your medical history and list of medications you are taking, measuring vital signs, a physical exam, blood tests including genetic testing, small skin biopsies, nasal and skin swabs. Drs. Andrew Johnston and Inci Yildirim are leading the study.

Compensation up to $580; parking will be validated.

To learn more or see if you are eligible to participate, please email the research team at

  • Age18 years - 40 years
  • GenderBoth

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Trial Purpose and Description

This is an exploratory open label prospective study with the goal of characterizing the immune response, both innate and adaptive, as well as locally and systemic, to intradermal vaccination in healthy individuals. The intervention involves intradermal administration of an FDA-approved intramuscular seasonal influenza vaccine, using an FDA-approved device MicronJet. We will measure antibody titers, cell subtypes, and multi-omic profiles, by collecting skin and peripheral blood at baseline and at several time points after vaccination. Our primary objective is to identify baseline correlates of immune response in the skin and peripheral blood to the seasonal influenza vaccine. Our secondary goals are to describe the inflammatory response in the skin over time.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

18-40 years old and in good health

Principal Investigator


For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: