Examination of Glutamate and mGluR5 in Psychiatric Disorders
- Study HIC#:1101007933
- Last Updated:03/18/2025
This research study is designed to look at the involvement of the glutamate system in depression. Each subject will undergo a screening appointment to determine study eligibility. Thereafter, the study will take 2 or 3 visits depending on schedule availability and will consist of one MRI scan, and PET scan. Subjects will also participate in cognitive testing. Depending on camera time, staff availability and subject schedule, total study participation may last 1-2 months.
- Age18 years - 65 years
- GenderBoth
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For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact:
Study Team
- Phone Number: 1-203-737-6484
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Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
General inclusion criteria:
- Subjects will be between the ages of 18-65 years old
- English speaking
- No other DSM-IV diagnosis present, besides required as below
Inclusion criteria for acute depressed subjects:
- Clinical diagnosis of a current depressive episode
- Medication-free for at least 2 weeks or medicated with a permissible medication
Inclusion criteria for PTSD subjects:
- Clinical diagnosis of current PTSD as per DSM-IV
- Medication free for at least 2 weeks or medicated with a permissible medication
Inclusion criteria for healthy controls:
- No current, or history of, any DSM-IV diagnosis
Exclusion Criteria:
- Have a current or past significant medical, neurological or metabolic disorder or loss of consciousness for 5 minutes or more
- Have active, significant suicidal ideation
- Have implanted metallic devices or any MR contraindications
- Are women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol/illicit substance dependence in past year or met alcohol/illicit substance abuse within past 6 months
- Have history of prior radiation exposure for research purposes within the past year such that participation in this study would place them over FDA limits for annual radiation exposure. This guideline is an effective dose of 5 rem received per year
- Have given a blood donation within eight weeks of the start of the study
- Have history of a bleeding disorder or are currently taking anticoagulants (such as Coumadin, Heparin, Pradaxa, Xarelto)