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Phase I-II

Comparing F4C to Batterer Intervention

  • Study HIC#:2000026789
  • Last Updated:03/04/2025

This study will expand on Fathers for Change (F4C), a novel intervention for fathers with histories of perpetrating intimate partner violence (IPV). F4C is designed to meet a significant unmet intervention need for fathers who have a history of family violence who are not helped by currently available batterer intervention programs (BIPs). BIPs that are currently available nationally have shown limited efficacy with high rates of repeat violence.

This project will provide needed data to further develop F4C and move to a Stage II efficacy trial by: 1) revising the BIP group intervention manual to be delivered in an individual treatment format; 2) develop a fidelity measure for F4C and the BIP; 4) conduct a stage 1b randomized trial (consistent with the stage model of intervention development) to show initial feasibility, acceptability and intervention signal with the targeted population.

Sixty fathers with a history of IPV who have already failed a treatment as usual group BIP will be randomly assigned to F4C or an individually delivered comparable dose of BIP. Reflective functioning and emotion regulation will be examined as the mechanisms through which Fathers for Change reduces IPV and child maltreatment risk behaviors.

  • Age18 years and older
  • GenderMale only

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For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact:

Carla Stover, MD

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Trial Purpose and Description

(Umbrella protocol) The primary aim of this research is to understand how people react to discrimination that is attributed to implicit, compared with more over forms of bias. Although many people are becoming aware of this term, very little is known about how lay people understand implicit bias and what they think about it. This line of work will explore how people react to information about implicit bias and what they believe should be done to address situations in which implicit bias may be an important factor. Similarly, people are only recently becoming aware of discrimination that stems of computer algorithms. Given how similar this may be to attributions to implicit bias, we are also interested in examining who people hold accountable for such outcomes.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • A reported an incident of IPV (pushing, slapping, kicking) within the last 12 months prior to screening (based on court/police records, partner or self- report);
  • have at least one biological child aged 6 months to 7 years with whom they have contact in person or by phone/facetime etc. at least monthly;
  • are able to complete assessments in English;
  • agree to have their female coparents (mother of the youngest child) contacted as collateral informants and for consent for participation of their shared child.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Men who have an active full/no contact protective order pertaining to their child since this will preclude participation in the father-child play assessment (many men will have full no-contact orders with their partners, but it is more common for men to still be allowed at least supervised contact with their children even with a full/no contact order with their partner);
  • physiological addiction to a substance that requires detoxification. Fathers will be evaluated using the Addiction Severity Index and urine toxicology screens. If fathers report difficulties with physiological withdrawal from substances (e.g. delirium tremens, shaking, nausea) they will be referred for detox services. They can be re-evaluated following a detox program with documentation from the detox center of successful completion and clean urine screen.;
  • anyone with a cognitive impairment that will not allow for understanding of the study interventions (a mini mental state score <25);
  • anyone with a current untreated psychotic disorder;
  • anyone currently suicidal or homicidal based on screening using the BSI.

Principal Investigator


For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: