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Phase IV

AMS05: Ocrelizumab Discontinuation in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

  • Study HIC#:2000034445
  • Last Updated:08/07/2024

Newly diagnosed with MS?

Most people with MS start immune suppressing medications immediately after their diagnosis and remain on these medications indefinitely. However, emerging data suggests that at least some patients may not require lifelong immune suppression to control their MS.

The AMS05 clinical trial is testing the highly effective MS medication, ocrelizumab, in people with early relapsing MS, to see if a short-term treatment can lead to lasting remission. The study will provide study drug (ocrelizumab) for all participants and frequent MRI scans throughout the study. Blood and stool biospecimens will be collected, and study participation will last 4 years.

    Contact Us

    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact:

    Katerina Palma

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    Trial Purpose and Description

    Newly diagnosed with MS?

    Most people with MS start immune suppressing medications immediately after their diagnosis and remain on these medications indefinitely. However, emerging data suggests that at least some patients may not require lifelong immune suppression to control their MS.

    The AMS05 clinical trial is testing the highly effective MS medication, ocrelizumab, in people with early relapsing MS, to see if a short-term treatment can lead to lasting remission. The study will provide study drug (ocrelizumab) for all participants and frequent MRI scans throughout the study. Blood and stool biospecimens will be collected, and study participation will last 4 years.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Are you eligible?

    • Age 18-55
    • Your first symptoms of MS were within the last 2 years
    • Not yet started a treatment for your MS
    • Not currently pregnant or planning pregnancy within the next 4 years

    Principal Investigator


    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: