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Phase II-III

GBM AGILE: Global Adaptive Trial Master Protocol: An International, Seamless Phase II/III Response Adaptive Randomization Platform Trial Designed To Evaluate Multiple Regimens In Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent GBM

  • Study HIC#:2000026339
  • Last Updated:02/28/2025

Glioblastoma (GBM) adaptive, global, innovative learning environment (GBM AGILE) is an international, seamless Phase II/III response adaptive randomization platform trial designed to evaluate multiple therapies in newly diagnosed (ND) and recurrent GBM.

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    Christina Wiess

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    Trial Purpose and Description

    Glioblastoma (GBM) adaptive, global, innovative learning environment (GBM AGILE) is an international, seamless Phase II/III response adaptive randomization platform trial designed to evaluate multiple therapies in newly diagnosed (ND) and recurrent GBM. Its goals are to identify effective therapies for glioblastoma and match effective therapies with patient subtypes. Bayesian response adaptive randomization is used within subtypes of the disease to assign participants to Arms based on their performance. The primary endpoint is overall survival (OS).

    GBM AGILE is designed to efficiently evaluate therapies. The trial will be conducted under a single Master Investigational New Drug Application/Clinical Trial Application and Master Protocol, allowing multiple drugs and drug combinations from different pharmaceutical companies to be evaluated simultaneously. The plan is to add experimental therapies as new information about promising new drugs are identified and remove therapies as they complete their evaluation.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Newly Diagnosed Inclusion Criteria:

    • Age ≥ 18 years.
    • Histologically confirmed Grade IV GBM/gliosarcoma established following either a surgical resection or biopsy.
    • Karnofsky performance status ≥ 60% performed within a 14-day window prior to randomization.
    • Availability of tumor tissue representative of GBM from definitive surgery or biopsy.

    Recurrent Inclusion Criteria:

    • Age ≥ 18 years.
    • Histologically confirmed GBM/gliosarcoma (WHO criteria; non-IDH R132H mutant) at first or second recurrence after initial standard, control or experimental therapy that includes at a minimum Radiation Therapy (RT).
    • Evidence of recurrent disease (RD) demonstrated by disease progression using slightly modified Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) criteria.
    • Karnofsky performance status ≥ 70% performed within a 14-day window prior to randomization.
    • Availability of tumor tissue representative of GBM from initial definitive surgery and/or, recurrent surgery, if performed.

    Newly Diagnosed Exclusion Criteria:

    • Any prior treatment for glioma including: prior prolifeprospan 20 with carmustine wafer; prior intracerebral agent; prior radiation treatment for GBM or lower-grade glioma; prior chemotherapy or immunotherapy for GBM or lower-grade glioma.
    • Receiving additional, concurrent, active therapy for GBM outside of the trial
    • Extensive leptomeningeal disease.
    • QTc > 450 msec if male and QTc > 470 msec if female.
    • History of another malignancy in the previous 3 years, with a disease-free interval of < 3 years. Patients with prior history of in situ cancer or basal or squamous cell skin cancer are eligible.

    Recurrent Exclusion Criteria:

    • Early disease progression prior to 3 months (12 weeks) from the completion of RT.
    • More than 2 prior lines for chemotherapy administration. (NOTE: In the 1st line adjuvant setting, combination of Temozolomide (TMZ) with an experimental agent, is considered one line of chemotherapy.)
    • Any prior treatment with bevacizumab or other VEG)- or VEGF receptor-mediated targeted agent.
    • Any prior treatment with prolifeprospan 20 with carmustine wafer.
    • Any prior treatment with an intracerebral agent.
    • Receiving additional, concurrent, active therapy for GBM outside of the trial
    • Extensive leptomeningeal disease.
    • QTc > 450 msec if male and QTc > 470 msec if female.
    • History of another malignancy in the previous 2 years, with a disease-free interval of < 2 years. Participant with prior history of in situ cancer or basal or squamous cell skin cancer are eligible.

    Principal Investigator


    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: