Prenatal Testing
Prenatal testing refers to a variety of tests and screenings performed during pregnancy to assess the health of the developing fetus and identify potential genetic, chromosomal, or structural abnormalities. These tests can help healthcare providers and expectant parents make informed decisions about prenatal care and prepare for any potential complications.
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Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Treating complicated pregnancies is our priority. We provide care for the entire spectrum of conditions related to high-risk pregnancy, and for women whose pregnancies require special testing, monitoring, treatment, and care . We offer state-of-the-art approaches to caring for women with high-risk pregnancies related to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and genetic disorders, among other medical conditions that can complicate a pregnancy. Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) at Yale pioneered the development of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and fetal blood sampling (FBS), and has the most experienced team for these procedures in New England. In addition, our skilled specialists, who are internally recognized for their expertise, conduct fetal echocardiography to diagnose congenital heart disorders of the fetus. We offer a variety of services for our patients across the following specialty programs: High-Risk Pregnancy Program, which supports ongoing care and management for women with a history of pregnancy risks or current medical complications. Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Program, which provides expert genetic screening and testing for MFM patients. Available tests include first-trimester screening, CVS, amniocentesis, and FBS. After diagnosis, we provide counseling and connect patients when necessary to appropriate support networks to help parents adjust to and prepare for their child's special needs. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program, offered in conjunction with Yale’s Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Section. Our multidisciplinary team of pathologists, geneticists, and perinatologists uses a whole-patient approach to help couples with recurrent miscarriages and/or pregnancy losses. Other services offered in our MFM section include: First-trimester risk assessment for Down Syndrome Targeted ultrasound Fetal therapy, including percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) and intrauterine transfusion Antenatal testing Diabetes management MFM physicians can also co-manage patients with high-risk pregnancies with referring practitioners. We can develop care plans with community obstetricians for cases that require intensive oversight by the team, or consultative guidance alone.Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program
Patients often hesitate to discuss miscarriages, or spontaneous pregnancy losses. While one miscarriage might prompt a doctor's visit, experiencing two or more losses warrants a thorough examination for underlying reproductive issues. Yale Medicine’s Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program assembles experts from various fields to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to patients facing this condition. We utilize cutting-edge technologies for diagnosis and tailor individualized treatments to address the root cause. Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as two or more failed pregnancies, including those confirmed via pregnancy blood test or ultrasound. Miscarriage is relatively common, affecting 15% to 20% of known pregnancies within the first 20 weeks. However, experiencing two or more consecutive losses, which affects 1%-3% of pregnancies, may indicate underlying genetic, physiological, or anatomical issues. Anatomic abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids , polyps, adhesions, or the presence of a septum dividing the uterine cavity, can lead to pregnancy complications. Hormonal disorders, like uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid issues , can also contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss. Additionally, chromosomal abnormalities in embryos, autoimmune conditions, infections, and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, drug use, caffeine and alcohol consumption, toxin exposure, and obesity, may play a role. Our multidisciplinary team works closely with patients to identify potential contributing factors while offering emotional support during this challenging time. Initial assessments include a thorough review of medical history, physical examinations, specialized ultrasounds, and consultations with specialists, such as reproductive endocrinologists, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, reproductive immunologists, geneticists, and pathologists. We employ advanced diagnostic techniques, including genetic testing and analysis of fetal tissue, to pinpoint underlying causes. Our team includes psychological counselors, dietitians, and experienced nurses who provide comprehensive support throughout diagnosis and treatment. At Yale Medicine, our Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program combines compassionate care with state-of-the-art genetic analysis. Following a definitive diagnosis, we offer customized treatment options, which may include surgical interventions to address anatomical abnormalities, in vitro fertilization (IVF) , or a genetic screening of embryos. Even in cases where a specific cause cannot be identified, the outlook remains positive, with the majority of subsequent pregnancies proceeding normally. Throughout the process, we remain dedicated to understanding the root cause of difficulties and providing empathy and reassurance to patients facing recurrent pregnancy loss.Fertility Center
Patients seek us out when they encounter obstacles on their journey toward parenthood. Our Fertility Center offers a host of treatment options to individuals and couples who experience infertility or who need third-party assistance to have a baby. Our clinicians work with couples who experience infertility, as well as same-sex couples, individuals without partners, and transgender individuals . They also offer fertility preservation techniques to cancer patients and others who wish to put off pregnancy until the future, so that they may preserve their chances of one day having a baby using their own sperm or eggs. Our clinicians provide empathetic care while learning about each patient’s circumstances. They then tailor each patient’s treatment plan to suit their specific situation. Individualizing their care increases each patient’s chances of achieving their goal of parenthood. We offer several convenient locations, including a facility at Yale West Campus in Orange, Connecticut, that offers free parking. At the Fertility Center, our physicians, staff, and scientists all share our patients’ dreams of expanding their families. Our team of reproductive endocrinologists includes some of the world’s foremost experts on in vitro fertilization (IVF) , fertility preservation, endometriosis , and recurrent pregnancy loss . We’re also one of the few fertility centers in the U.S. to have a reproductive specialist with dual training in both male and female infertility. All registered nurses at the Fertility Center have received specialized training in IVF through the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Our team of financial coordinators works with patients to help them figure out how their health insurance covers costs relating to fertility treatments. They inform patients about this important information before anyone commits to undergoing any procedures, so that patients don’t receive unexpected fees. Coping with infertility may feel isolating at times, but our team of clinicians and staff will be there alongside you, providing you with support as well as treatment strategies. We do everything we can to help you get closer to realizing your goal of becoming a parent. Fertility Center success rate summary: Approximately 79% of new patients under age 35 achieve successful pregnancies after undergoing IVF. For new patients ages 35-37, the live birth rate is approximately 67.6%. For new patients ages 38-40, the live birth rate is approximately 46%. Learn more about our success rates .