ALL DEFINITIONSAngelman SyndromeDefinitionAngelman Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects the nervous system. It is characterized by developmental delays, intellectual disability, and movement and balance problems. Related SpecialistsHui ZhangMD, PhDRichard YoungMDYong-Hui JiangMD, PhDRelated Fact SheetsAngelman SyndromeRelated Clinical TrialsChild Development & Autism, Brain, Spinal Cord & Nervous System, Genetics, Mental Health & Behavioral ResearchGenetic and molecular studies of developmental neuropsychiatric disordersGenderBothGenetics, Mental Health & Behavioral ResearchEMANATE: A Study of Setmelanotide in Patients With Specific Gene Variants in the MC4R PathwayAges6 years - 65 yearsGenderBothRelated DepartmentsPediatrics